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Part Time Is: Definition, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages, As well as Tips

Part time jobs are jobs that do not require employees to work full time.

The ever-increasing needs encourage people to look for alternative sources of additional income, including part-time jobs. Have you ever understood what part time work is and what are the advantages and risks?

Don't immediately decide to work part time if you don't understand the concept of this job. As a guide, we will explain about part time work. Listen to the explanation until it's finished! 

Definition of Part Time

Quoting Daffa Teguh Ekoputro in his dissertation at Repository.uinjkt.ac.id, part-time or part-time work is normal short work or less than 35 hours per week. Part time can also mean half the normal working hours or full time job.

If we look at the definition above, we can understand that in part-time jobs the rule applies that working time cannot exceed the recommended amount. If it is past the time that the employee should have been included in full-time work.

However, part-time work does not only depend on the number of hours worked. Part time also refers to a period where part time employees are usually only employed for a limited period of time or for a certain period of time determined by the company. This differentiates them from full-time jobs, where full-time employees tend to work continuously and long hours. 

Types of Part Time Jobs You Can Try

When you understand the world of part-time work, there's nothing wrong with trying, right? This type of work is suitable for students or anyone with free time.

Instead of wasting time, it is better to use it to generate income. Here are some jobs that usually offer part-time positions to try:

Tour Guide

If you like traveling or traveling, especially if you are fluent in a foreign language, then this job recommendation is for you. In addition, if there are many tourist attractions in your area, you should try becoming a local guide. Usually, some tour operators have vacancies for part-time tour guides or lead guides.

Graphic design

If you are a creative person and have graphic design skills, part time graphic design is your next choice. This work can be done at home or in the office with a contract system, usually many printers are full of orders before a certain time.

Therefore, some of them also offer part-time employees the opportunity to participate. Make sure you create an attractive portfolio so that printers want to use your services. Apart from that, you can also see the best works ever made on your personal social media account. Who knows, someone will see your design and be interested.


The coffee shop business in recent years is indeed a trend and has a lot of demand. It's not only coffee that is enjoyed at the cafe, many young people also use the shop as a meeting place, on their way to university and for school assignments after work.

In general, relatively popular coffee shops have a large number of customers and require part-time staff to assist with their regular employee duties. If you are a student, this is the job for you, as most of the part-time baristas work at night so as not to disrupt class schedules.

Tutor / Private Lesson Teacher

This job is suitable for those of you who have more knowledge in the academic field. Many teaching facilities require mentors or part-time tutors and are always looking for active students. You can also act as a mentor for young people on campus. The important thing to note here is that your lesson plan does not conflict with your class schedule. Therefore, choose a schedule only between free time. 

Translator or Translator

Apart from working as a tour guide or tour guide, you can also use your foreign language skills as a translator or interpreter. The income and salary offered are also very promising as a side income.

For example, you can offer translation services in English to your friends. In addition, translators are often needed to translate foreign language cartoons into Indonesian.

Of course, there are many other part-time jobs that you can try according to your interests and free time. Be more sensitive to the various opportunities around us to find a part time job. 

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Part Time Jobs?

Before you decide to do this job, you need to weigh the pros and cons of working part time. Use the explanation below for your consideration.


  • Additional income.You will receive additional income based on the work done. 
  • Can learn new things and broaden your professional experience. 
  • Improve skills or abilities.
  • Practice time management between full-time and part-time jobs.
  • Build extensive relationships.
  • Can be done in more than one place.


  • There is no protection for workers. 
  • Some find it unprofessional.
  • Receiving a salary that is not in accordance with the contract.
  • There is no clear career path. 

How to Get a Part Time Job

Despite its drawbacks, part-time jobs still offer advantages for workers who do them. Part time jobs are very easy to find, especially in the service and catering sectors. Here's how to get a part time job.

  1. Consider Time and Schedule

Before starting a part-time job, it's a good idea to think about the time available, whether it's enough for a part-time job or not. If we feel we have too much free time, then we are allowed to work part time.

  1. Flexible Commitment

Part time jobs are not permanent and very flexible. If you are applying for a part-time position, make sure we are always available for any assignment. As a rule, part-time jobs involve shifts. If you don't think you can work the night shift, consider applying for a part-time job.

  1. Seriously When You're Looking For A Job

Even if the job is "part time", we still have to be serious when applying for part time positions. That attitude is like looking for a permanent or full-time job by sending an application. There are also part-time jobs that require applicants to submit a cover letter and portfolio. In any case, prepare complete documents as requested by the part-time job provider.

  1. Show Commitment and Persevere

Until recently, part-time work was said to be limited or restricted. However, when looking for a part-time job, try to remember that you will be doing this job for a longer period of time. Show the boss that we don't just stop.

  1. Check Job Search Sites Carefully

In general, many part-time employers also post their vacancies on job search sites. We also get more complete information on the website, such as salary and working hours. They occur daily, weekly and monthly. We just have to decide according to our preferences whether we want to work part time for a few weeks or straight for a few months. 

So, that was a summary of part-time work and tips on finding a job. Hopefully this is useful and you can try it right away!

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