1. Startups

OLX Collaborates with OtoSpector to Present Car Inspection Service

Make it easy for prospective buyers to get the results of checking the condition of the car comprehensively

To optimize car advertising services, OLX launched a new breakthrough by presenting an inspection feature. This innovation is provided in order to help prospective buyers get comprehensive information on the condition of the car. This service exists in collaboration with OLX and OtoSpector.

"The car inspection service is here for users who need to check the condition of the car in detail. Through collaboration with OtoSpector, users will get an in-depth report on the condition of the car to be purchased," explained OLX Indonesia Chief Commercial Officer Agung Iskandar.

Before carrying out an inspection, prospective buyers are encouraged to contact the seller to determine a schedule for checking. After that, the prospective buyer can place an order for the inspection process by completing the form provided OLX, both on the site and in the app. The OtoSpector team will carry out inspections according to the specified schedule and location.

After the inspection is carried out, within 1x24 hours a report regarding the condition of the car will be sent directly to the prospective buyer's email.

OLX and AutoSpector checking the condition of the car at 150 points covering the interior, exterior, engine, up to the completeness of the documents. The condition of each of these points will be written in the detailed report.

"OtoSpector also provides a 30-day engine warranty to users if the car inspection results fall into the good category. We hope this service can help OLX users before deciding to buy a used car," explained CEO of OtoSpector Jeffrey Andika.

Previously related to car sales services, OLX also cooperated with BeliMobilGue platform. In addition, OLX is also partnering with Futuready to make it easier for buyers to get insurance.

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