1. Startups

MOOC Survey in Indonesia

MOOC leverages the Internet to provide a way for distance learning

MOOCs (Massively Online Open Courses), also known as Online Learning Classes, leverages the Internet network to provide people with a way to learn distance (distance learning). In addition to those held by MIT and Stanford Universities in the United States, as well as by several private parties, several local Indonesian startups have also procured MOOCs. Both free and paid.

DailySocial in collaboration with JakPat conducted a survey to get an idea of ​​the response of the Indonesian people so far to the MOOC. The survey was conducted on a total of 1023 respondents who were sampled from the entire Indonesian population.

Some of the survey findings include:

  • A large number of respondents (56,11%) have heard of the term MOOC or Online Learning Class, but most of them (78.30%) have never tried it.
  • Among those who have participated in MOOC, the largest share (57,5%) studied a foreign language.
  • A large number of respondents also welcomed the idea of ​​alternative learning materials that have not been provided in various MOOCs, such as taxation for entrepreneurs and freelancers (51.90%) and the study of traditional Indonesian arts (48.39%)

For a full report on the results of our survey on MOOC in Indonesia, download the report "MOOC in Indonesia Report 2017" from DailySocial.

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