1. Startups

MailTarget Story and Coding on Talent Recruitment

Both have a similar way, but carry a different approach

There is always something interesting to learn from a growing startup. In this series of tips for recruiting employees, DailySocial had the opportunity to get some information and tips from two startups that are developing in Indonesia, namely MailTarget (a startup that provides email marketing automation solutions) and Dicoding (a platform for learning programming. Both have broad similarities in terms of recruiting employees, but have their own approaches). .

MailTarget is growing and planning for expansion requires not only a lot of resources but also competence. Therefore, it is not surprising that Yopie Suryadi, Founder of MailTarget, said that MailTarget is always hiring. They are always open to finding talents that match and complement the current MailTarget team.

There are several reasons why MailTarget may appear aggressive. The first is to replace those who resign or invest in new product lines, business expansion and acceleration, and an ever-increasing workload. This is also the reason why MailTarget not only opens vacancies through job search sites and email, but also looks for talents with a personal approach, such as during offline events.

Dicoding takes a slightly different approach. From the narrative of Narenda Wicaksono, the founder of Coded, they usually announce vacancies via newsletter. Furthermore, the candidate must have graduated from one of the coding academies. This is considered very important by Narenda because it can prove his ability self-learning of the candidate.

A candidate passed from the class online academy we are an indication he has the ability self-learning the good one. Of course we only call the best graduates. The second stage is an internship with a maximum duration of one year on the jobtraining give impact 80% education compared to theory. So so far the internship program has been quite effective in providing education to prospective employees while watching him fit for what role. The third stage is probation with a maximum duration of three months. At this stage the candidate has received maximum benefits as an employee," Narenda explained.

For MailTarget, they have their own process for selecting applicants. Starting from processing applications no more than one week, interviews, psychological tests and other processes.

"If there is an email application that comes in, we will process it in no more than a week, after that interviews, psychological tests, and others are needed to find out. personalityhis, his skills and competencies, and his suitability to the team, and finally there was a test that was brought home to be done for no more than 24 hours. In no less than a week, we will inform you whether or not we will pass our selection," explained Yopie.

So far, Dicoding has recruited more or less 10 employees. While MailTarget has been more than 20 times. The two startups certainly have their own priorities in building their teams, such as maturity in working for MailTarget and the ability to work for MailTarget. self-learning for coding.

apart self-learning, Narenda explained, they are currently looking for a candidate who has other abilities including loyalty and a warrior. Even Dicoding is willing to develop their talents by providing education abroad.

"If they are loyal and fighters, we are willing to educate them. We do not hesitate to send employees to Singapore, Malaysia, India, to America to study," continued Narenda.

Tips for recruiting new employees

In addition to sharing about the journey and stories about the startup, MailTarget also shared several points that can be taken into consideration when a startup should hire new members. Masas Dani, co-founder and CTO of MailTarget conveyed the following points to consider when deciding to add team members:

  • Adding people will add cost. is value what that person gives in the team is much bigger?
  • Recruiting new members is like bringing people on board, meaning we are responsible for their lives at sea. How big is the ship now, how many people is this ship for?
  • Is it able to accommodate his welfare until retirement?
  • Are you ready to be left in the middle of the road?

Meanwhile Narenda gives advice on what startups that start their business should do independently bootstrap as Dicoding did until now. According to him, startups with bootstrap cannot compete with the lure of money.

"For those who want to take the path like us, please note that we cannot compete for talent with the lure of money benefits. unicorn who fought there. Please note that there are many good talents who seek benefits such as the blessing of sustenance, being able to pray at the mosque on time, or peace at work. Look for talents whose lives are "struggling". Usually they really appreciate every hard work that is done. Loyalty and ability self-learning a talent is mandatory. So that we can all reach the top of the hill at the same speed without fear of being left behind," Narenda said.

Narenda also said that in Dicoding they have several things in forming a team which include:

  • First, must try to understand personality every member. What they need, such as familiarity and reassurance.
  • Second, learn persuasive techniques so that the team understands why a job has to be done. Their desire to work is an indication our technique is working.
  • Third, try to remain polite (keep emotions) and professional. Don't drop someone's self-esteem in front of other team members.
  • Fourth, must often delegate work and entrust the team to do the work task the hard one.
  • Lastly, we as composer Don't be afraid our team is wrong. Music in an orchestra must continue to flow and from the beginning there must be an expectation that nothing is perfect. Growing toward fits is a necessity and must be designed so that it can run continuously.
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