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Leadership: A Skill Not Only Leaders Have

People who have this ability can inspire, motivate and set an example for their team, so as to create a clear work situation

As you know, there are various skills that can indicate a quality of life, especially in the workplace. One of the most needed skills is leadership or leadership. Simply put, leadership is a skill that shows a person's level of leadership.

This ability can cover many things such as behavior, communication, how to build relationships with other people, etc. But is leadership just a leadership term? Let's see DailySocial.id's explanation below for a better understanding.

Definition Leadership

Leadership is a popular word in English that literally means leadership, but when used in explanations it is often used interchangeably with management, but there are many definitions of the word leadership.

According to the Forbes online site, leadership is the process of influencing society by maximizing the efforts of others to achieve goals.

In practice, leaders are often misunderstood as managers or those with employees under them. In fact, you don't have to be a supervisor, manager, or CEO to be a leader.

Leaders may have low organizational positions, but they can exercise strong social influence.

Because, in the world of work leadership skills is a very important leadership ability, especially in managing team members. In general, this ability also consists of several skill as:

  • Communication
  • Integrity
  • relationship-building
  • problem solving
  • Decision-making
  • Conflict management
  • And other leadership abilities

In addition, people who have this ability can inspire, motivate and set an example for their team, so as to create clear work situations. Therefore, there is leadership can make the plans that have been made can be executed properly.

Leadership Elements

In building and studying leadership, you must understand and fulfill the elements. The location of this element is important so that your leadership skills really develop and are influential. The elements in leadership consist of 3 things, as follows:

The Power to Influence

The first element is influence, which is important because leadership is all about how much you can influence other people. This influence can come from within, it can also come from outside. For example, good speaking skills support one's leadership because of their ability to influence with words.

Have Followers

After successfully influencing others, the next element that must be achieved is followers or what is now commonly called followers. Have followers can be proof that you are influential, so that many people like you to follow.

There is a goal to be achieved

Then, the third element is the existence of common goals that can be achieved. One strategy that seems to guide a lot of people is being able to show that you and they have the same goals and then convince them that you are the right person to achieve them.

Ability Benefits Leadership

Basically, leadership skills are a must, not only in everyday life, but also in the world of work. This is in line with the way you lead yourself and others in a way that can be done efficiently.

In the workplace, this ability enables leaders to delegate tasks appropriately and avoid unnecessary clutter. In addition, leadership has a variety of benefits, including:

Create change

People with good leadership skills can not only lead a team, but also create innovation and change. Change doesn't just happen, so you need someone who can lead team members to take action that has a big impact.

Based on Steve Jobs quoted statement Leader.com, innovation differentiates between leaders and followers. Therefore, leadership can make you an innovative person and bring change.

Resolving Conflicts

The next advantage of leadership skills is the ability to resolve conflicts. Leaders with good leadership skills listen to the concerns of their members and resolve them quickly.

In addition, being involved in this conflict resolution process gives you insight into how to deal with other people who have problems. Leadership enables leaders to lead members to effective solutions.

Increase efficiency and productivity

In general, leadership quality can show how well a leader understands the abilities of his members. When problems arise, good leaders are always the first to listen to members' opinions and complaints.

As a result, all members feel valued and can directly strengthen their trust in their leader.

Quoted from European Business Reviews, this has an impact on the creation of work targets that are realistic and can be managed together, resulting in increased productivity and work can be completed on time.

Able to determine the vision

If members need help understanding why they are doing something, members with leadership skills can show them the vision of the organization. This includes explaining and convincing members that something needs to be done to achieve what they want.

Motivate and provide guidance

The next benefit of leadership skills is the ability to motivate yourself and others. A person's level of leadership can be measured by his ability to recognize the work done by others. This includes the performance of team members.

Awards given can increase the motivation and enthusiasm of members. This way others can see the importance of leadership.

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Also, guidance isn't just about telling people what to do. Good leaders know how to explain something. People may need special help, and leaders should be willing to take the necessary steps to get it.

Example leadership skills

A good leader can use leadership skills that he belongs in managing his team. As an initial illustration, here is an example leadership skills in the world of work.

When you become a leader or leader of a project. You must be able to manage a team so that the goals of the project can be achieved properly. There are several actions that can show attitude leadership

  • Take responsibility for the activities of your members
  • Directing with a clear vision and mission
  • Be aware of problems with each member
  • Ask for opinions and feedback regarding team plans
  • Listen to their complaints or problems
  • Motivate them so they can get back to work.

The points above are one action leadership. However, every response to these actions must of course be adapted to the situation.

Become a leader with leadership skills according to the description above will bring you a lot of good, apart from being a source of inspiration for your co-workers, you can also be looked at by companies to get a better position and a higher salary. Congratulations on being a leader.



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