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Hukumonline Launches "LIA" Chatbot, Provides Ease of Access to Legal Information

Utilizing the Facebook Messenger channel, equipped with AI and NLP technology

If previously technology chatbot widely used e-commerce services, services, and others, now present chatbot which can help the general public understand more deeply about the law in Indonesia. Feature chatbot launched by Hukumonline is called Legal Intelligent Assistant (LIA).

Claiming as chatbot the first law in Indonesia, focusing on information about legal education that is often asked by the general public. In celebration of its 18th anniversary, Hukumonline wants to present a new technology that provides this information.

In particular, LIA is described as a millennial generation woman who is cheerful, intelligent, good-looking stylish, 23 years old, and literate in law because he often reads articles from the Legal Clinic online.

The launch of LIA is referred to as Hukumonline's commitment to providing legal education and increasing the ease for readers to access its content

“To coincide with the 18th anniversary of Hukumonline, we are proud to introduce Legal Intelligent Assistant chatbot, or what we call 'LIA'. LIA is a chatbot with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that is able to understand and respond to questions related to the law," said Lawonline CTO Arkka Dhiratara.

Make use of Facebook Messenger

To make it easier for users to access, LIA chatbot take advantage of the Facebook Messenger channel. This option can be enjoyed by users when accessing the site or directly through the Facebook Messenger platform.

"Facebook Messenger was chosen as channel because it is based on a survey we did to users and is classified as their favorite social media. For that reason, we prioritize channel Facebook Messenger," Arkka said.

LIA will greet users and offer three legal information, namely marriage, divorce and inheritance laws. After the choice is made, you will see the legal information you are looking for in an informal language style.

LIA is also equipped with AI technology natural language processing (NLP), namely the ability to understand and write human language. With NLP, LIA understands what the user is writing and is able to respond like a human.

NLP technology allows for more natural interactions. Thus, LIA users can be more comfortable and free to ask questions about the legal world.

"We continue to innovate continuously in packaging legal content so that it can be easily understood and useful for the wider community," said Arkka.


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