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John Carmack: Goodbye id Software

Father and creator first-person shooter games, co-founder developer the oldest and most experienced in the world, and one of the founders of the Oculus Rift project, finally said goodbye to the company that helped raise the name and game franchises the most legendary ever created by a human child, id Software.

Talk to PC Gamer, the director of studio id Software, Tim Willits, explains, "John Carmack, who has now become interested in focusing on things other than development game at id [Software], has resigned from this studio. John [Carmack's] id Tech 5 work project as well as technology development at id has been completed, his departure will not affect ongoing projects."

"id Software is fortunate to have a team of highly intelligent programmers, who have also worked directly with John, to continue the id tradition and create amazing games with state-of-the-art technology. As John's associates over the years, we wish him success," Willits continued.

This departure seems to have been planned since last June. The CEO of id Software, Todd Hollenshead, had explained that the man who was born on August 20, 1970 will soon resign to pursue personal 'interests'. But it's no secret what brought him out of id Software: he wanted to focus more on developing his new project, the Oculus Rift.

The creator of the Oculus Rift once admitted that John Carmack was more talented as an engineer than a designer game, "We at Oculus have a talent for designing game and also those who have the same background. Design ability game John Carmack wasn't the kind of person who helped develop Oculus, but we chose him because of his amazing programming skills and the way he understood how to effectively integrate hardware and software."

In addition to being a programming leader games such as Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake to Rage, Carmack is also famous for successfully providing innovations in the field of 3D graphics. Not only that, he is also the inventor of technologies such as Adaptive Tile Refresh, Raycasting and Binary Space Partitioning.

Even though his job at id Software is now over, John Carmack still 'has ties' to games new parent company Bethesda's soon to be released, some examples of which are The Evil Within (John Carmack as programming engine) and Doom 4 (as technical director).

With PC Gamer. Header image: SpaceNews.com.

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