1. DScovery

How to Remove Red Lines in Word

When you use the Microsoft Word application, you will see lines under your text and sentences, but this red line is actually a feature called proofreading.

Before figuring out how to remove the red underline in a word, it's good to know what the underscore is in this sentence. Maybe some people don't mind it at all. But when the red line appeared, quite a number of people were disturbed. Also, it is very difficult to remove the red line.

There are actually several ways to get rid of the red lines that appear automatically in Microsoft Word. But before finding out how to get rid of it, it's good to know the cause of the appearance of the red line.

Why do red lines appear in Microsoft Word?

When you use the Microsoft Word application, you will see lines under your text and sentences, but this red line is actually a feature called proofreading. This feature is intended to minimize user input errors.

For example, as a simple example, when typing in Indonesian, almost all sentences are displayed with red lines because the computer language setting remains English.

Some Ways to Remove Red Lines

How to remove the red line in word 2013 and later versions

This first method applies to Microsoft word version 2013 (2016, 2017, 2019, 2021). To remove the red line, you can do the following steps:

  • The first step is to open the Microsoft word application on your computer or laptop.
  • Then open the document where you want to remove the red line.
  • Then, select the options menu in the menu on the left of the screen.
  • Not long after that a word options window will appear, choose the proofing option.
  • In this menu, uncheck the check spelling as you type.
  • Then OK. The process is complete the red line is gone.

How to remove the red line in Word 2010 and earlier versions

This second method applies to versions of Microsoft word 2010 (2010, 2007, and 2003). To remove the red line, you can do the following steps:

  • First open the Microsoft application on your laptop or computer
  • Press the button Office button which is in the top left corner.
  • In the menu shown, select the word option
  • Then in the new window that appears, click the menu again proof.
  • Remove the checklist in the section Check spelling as you type.
  • Press ok then the red line has disappeared.

How to remove red lines in Word on HP

If you don't have a computer or laptop, don't worry, even when editing word files on your cellphone, the red line can be removed. Now there is a mobile version of Microsoft word that can be used to edit words on your cellphone.

To use Microsoft word on your cellphone and then remove the red line that appears, you can take the following steps:

  • First download the Microsoft word application on the cellphone via the Playstore or App Store
  • Open the application, on the front page there is a pencil icon that serves to start editing the document.
  • Then open the document whose red line you want to remove.
  • Then find and select the menu Review or review if using Indonesian.
  • On this menu you will be shown several options, choose an option Proofing and language or spell and language checker
  • Check the Hide All Proofing Marks or hide all spell check marks.
  • Then the red line was successfully removed on the HP word.

More Coverage:

Those are some ways to get rid of the red lines that often appear in Word. Hopefully these ways can help regret your anxiety.

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