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How to change background zoom on cellphone, easy and hassle-free

Apart from laptops, you can also enjoy the Zoom virtual background feature on cellphones.

Zoom's popularity has continued to climb since the COVID-19 pandemic. With this popularity, Zoom continues to try to provide a variety of interesting new features for its users.

One interesting feature that is very useful is features virtual backgrounds. Previously, this feature could only be used on a PC or laptop. But now, you can also use features virtual backgrounds this through handphone-your.

So, how to replace background Zoom on HP? Find the answer in this article.

Things to Look For When You Want to Use Virtual Background Zoom

Various Components that Support Virtual Background Zoom / Freepik

1. Recommended Settings for Green Screen

Greenscreen is one way to get the best results when using virtual backgrounds. Green screen doesn't mean you have to use background the screen is green, but you can also use a solid color background, curtains, or a wall as your backdrop.

In addition, you also need to pay attention to the clothes you use so that they don't blend with the color virtual backgrounds-your. This way, you can increase the sharpness of the image around your face, ears, and hair.

2. Recommended Setting Without Green Screen

Don't worry even if you don't have one green screen sebagai background behind you, because you can still get good results when using virtual backgrounds.

The trick is to pay attention to the quality of the camera and lighting you use. Try that the existing lighting can create a contrast between your face and your face background what you use.

3. Determine the size of the background image that you use

Apart from the two things above, don't forget to pay attention to the size of the image background which you want to use. Even though there are actually no specific rules in this regard, try to use images or photos with a 16:9 ratio and JPG, JPEG or PNG format.

How to Change Virtual Background Zoom on HP

before replacing virtual backgrounds Zoom in handphone-mu, make sure you have activated this feature first. The trick, open the menu Settings in the Zoom application, then select an option In-Meeting (Advanced). After that, activate it toggleVirtual Backgrounds to be able to enjoy this feature.

If you have activated the Virtual Background feature, then you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the application Zoom di handphone-your.
  2. Select icon three dots, then select menu Virtual Backgrounds for Android or Backgrounds and Filters for iOS.
  3. After that, select virtual backgrounds which you want to use. You can choose background that has been provided by Zoom. Apart from that, you can also use personal images by uploading them first by selecting the icon plus (+).
  4. Now, virtual backgrounds-mu is installed and can be used.

Things That Cause Virtual Background Zoom Not Working on HP

If you can't find the Virtual Background feature on your Zoom application, maybe this is due to several reasons. Here are a few things that might cause the Virtual Background Zoom feature to not work on handphone-your.

  1. Zoom app version not yet updatedUpdate. To be able to enjoy this feature, make sure the Zoom application on your cellphone has been activated.Update to version 5.3.0 or higher.
  2. HP specifications are not yet compatible. The Virtual Background feature requires special specifications to be used, namely the Android version must be at least 8.0, 3GB RAM and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) at least Snapdragon 835 or equivalent. Meanwhile for the iPhone, the type that is compatible with this feature is the iPhone 8 and above.
  3. Make sure the cellphone you are using supports this feature. Some HP brands already support this feature, namely smartphone production of Google, Oppo, Samsung, Xiaomi, Vivo, OnePlus and Huawei.

Well, that's an explanation of how to replace it background Zoom on HP. If you encounter problems when carrying out these steps, maybe these obstacles are caused by some of the things above. Therefore, before using this feature, make sure you have checked the application version and the type of cellphone you are using first.

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