1. Startups

Healthtech services in Asia are growing rapidly, in Indonesia not yet significant

China and India still dominate growth and investment in related fields

One of the startup verticals that is predicted to develop is healthtech. In survey Gallen Growth Asia reported some service development trends healthtech, ranging from categories, funding, to its distribution in the Asia Pacific region.

Asia's largest ecosystem for healthtech

Despite experiencing quite good growth throughout 2017, the report revealed that 2018 is predicted to be the peak of development healthtech in Asia Pacific. In terms of investment, it was valued at $3.3 billion in the first half of 2018.

This number also places Asia in second place in terms of the largest ecosystem in terms of transaction value. Although the transaction value in 2018 decreased by 32% compared to 2017. Until now, China and India still dominate the landscape healthtech in Asia.

Healthtech investment in Asian countries / Galen Growth Asia

Meanwhile, other Asian countries that are listed as the best markets are Singapore (11%), Japan (8%), and Australia (8%). As a country hub in Asia, Singapore continues to show potential as an attractive location for investors. This is due to the clear legal framework governing the funding process, economic stability and incentives provided by the government.

Service category healthtech

Healthtech service category in Asia / Galen Growth Asia

In the research, it is stated that there are at least six categories healthtech the most in demand. Among these are health research services (14 investments), online marketplace (12 investments), genomics and related applications (12 investments), medical data and analysis (10 investments), IoT (5 investments) to health diagnosis (3 investments).

From the survey, it can be concluded that the most dominant category reflects the changes that have begun to occur among people who are getting used to making purchases to ordering online.

Position healthtech Indonesia

In the survey results, it is also stated that Indonesia is one of the countries in Asia that has deal investment, but did not receive significant attention when compared to the total value. Overall in the first half of 2018 there were investment funds for services healthtech in Asia worth $109 million. This number decreased compared to the first half of 2017.

Healthtech investment value development in Asia / Galen Growth Asia

Associated with share volumes by market during the first half of 2018, Indonesia was in last place along with the Philippines. This number decreased compared to 2017, previously Indonesia had a percentage of 7%.


Healthtech growth percentage in Asia / Galen Growtch Asia

Indonesia as one of the countries in Asia that is starting to show the growth of digital health services. The distribution of health services that are less than optimal opens the potential healthtech to blend in with existing industry verticals. The large population also makes Indonesia a potential country for services healthtech.


Healthtech service ecosystem in Asia / Galen Growth Asia

The research stated that Indonesia, with local innovations that are starting to emerge, has the opportunity to develop as an innovator for digital health services. Currently there are around 10 digital health services operating in Indonesia, ranging from Halodoc, Konsula, Alodokter, Dokter.id and many more.

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