1. Startups

HarukaEdu Supports IWIC 2015 with an Online Technopreneur Class Degree

Accommodating 100 participants, online class mentoring will be carried out by a number of well-known mentors in the Indonesian startup world


Supporting the 2015 Indosat Wireless Innovation Contest, HarukaEdu moved to provide knowledge and knowledge about technopreneurship through free online program classes. In 2014, HarukaEdu held a similar class and received a fairly positive response with 215 participants.

This time HarukaEdu will limit the number of participants and will carry out the process screening methods participants if needed. Later on, the first 100 registrants will receive material and mentoring on how to find startup ideas, conduct research on potential target markets, and how pitch startup to be presented during the contest. Participants who want to take part in mentoring can directly register via IWIC9 special link.

“This collaboration was established because HarukaEdu has an online class on Technopreneurship which is closely related to IWIC. Indosat was then interested in using this online class as a means to help participants improve the quality of their ideas and proposals," said HarukaEdu Co-Founder Novistiar Rustandi.

A number of reliable technopreneurs who will provide mentoring in Online Classes. They include Mountain SEA Ventures Managing Partner Andy Zain, JobsDB Managing Director Ariadi Anaya, Skystar Ventures Executive Director Geraldine Oetama, MatahariMall CEO Hadi Wenas, Founder Handy Chang, and Managing Partner Kartini Muljadi & Rekan Kartini Muljadi.

Also involved as mentors in this class are GDP Ventures Managing Director Martin Hartono, 8Villages Co-Founder Sanny Gaddafi, CyberAgent Ventures Vice President Steven Vanada, CyberAgent Ventures General Manager Takahiro Suzuki, Metro TV Assistant President Director Shanti Ruwyastuti, Surya University Lecturer Dessy Aliandrina and Jonathan Gultom, and Tokopedia Co-Founder William Tanuwijaya.

Mentoring will be carried out online with a variety of materials in the form of videos, online consultations via email live chat once a week, and discussion forums. The discussion forum can be accessed by anyone, even those who are not registered in the Technopreneur Online Class.

“Participants must be able to find major problems that affect the lives of many people and then offer ideas or solutions to solve those problems. In addition to solving problems, the idea must also have good and big business potential. Then participants must be able to summarize the problems, ideas and solutions in a concise but clear proposal,” explained Novistiar.

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