1. Startups

Five Strategies for Implementing Word of Mouth Marketing for Startups

Starting from exceeding customer predictions, creating WOW experiences, to promoting business through public relations

Humans rely heavily on their networks before making decisions, where they go, what to do, and what to buy. At least 92% of consumers trust referrals from people they know, 77% are more likely to buy a new product after learning about it from friends or family.

According to Wharton Marketing Professor Jonah Berger, author of the book best sellers Contagious, mentions word of mouth (WOM) marketing is traditional advertising that is 10x more effective. However, this marketing strategy is not easy. Because, you have to create a simple message that goes viral, but unfortunately doesn't have a standard format.

Article This article will discuss further what strategies you will need when practicing word of mouth marketing to boost your startup. Here's a summary:

1. Go beyond customer predictions

According to many entrepreneurs, businesses should focus on creating services that can turn customers into fans who don't stop talking about your product. When you've reached that stage, it means you've surpassed your customers by providing outstanding service.

Word of mouth marketing is triggered when a customer experiences something far beyond what they initially anticipated. Therefore, you need to create a pleasant atmosphere and satisfy customer desires. It's important to remember that it's not about giving gifts or holding discounts, it's about how you treat and communicate with your customers.

2. Create a WOW experience

Missouri's business development program says all successful small businesses seem to have their own advantages. They can find a way to differentiate themselves. It's not enough to offer a quality product or service, you need to surprise them, not just satisfy them.

How to? Namely by including the WOW experience. Transform a satisfying experience into a special and unforgettable experience. For example, if you run startup hospitality, you can provide your guests with a handwritten note and a bottle of local wine in their room.

3. Make it easy for customers to leave reviews

When doing word of mouth marketing, the worst thing that can happen is that it makes it difficult for customers to communicate with each other about your product. So make it as easy as possible for customers to leave reviews and make recommendations.

For that, make sure you enable the review feature on your Facebook page and provide a feedback field on your website.

4. Set targets

Like any other marketing strategy, targets like "get everyone talking about our product" are too vague to measure effectiveness. In your plan, create measurable goals and objectives. For example, "We want X number of new customers through referrals per month"; "We want to get media coverage in three X places per month"; "We want to generate X number of leads per month through word of mouth." Each goal should have a time limit and a detailed method for achieving it.

5. Promote business through public relations

public relations (public relations/PR) is a way to keep a business in the public eye. Even if you're a new startup, you should still develop relationships with journalists, newspapers, radio stations, and an influencer in your network. Provide them with information about the latest developments and future plans for your company.

Basically, word of mouth isn't easy, but with a little strategic planning, a small startup can create a real buzz around it. You shouldn't be afraid to think outside the box, you can achieve a lot of creativity even on a small budget.

Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising small startups have because every happy customer can lead new people their way.

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