1. Startups

Five Important Things to Build a Work Culture and Educate Talent at Startups

DailySocial CEO Rama Mamuaya shares his experience about building work culture and talent in startups

Welcoming the advancement of the digital era, Indonesia is faced with a lack of quality talents. Even though talent is the most important asset in building a digital ecosystem in the country. Competition also occurs between startups for talented talent.

On the other hand, startups are also required to remain exploratory in dealing with technological developments and changing markets. The right work culture is needed so that startups can become a comfortable place to work for every employee.

At the idEA Works event, DailySocial Founder and CEO Rama Mamuaya shared interesting experiences and views on how to build a work culture in startups and educate people to become potential talents and quality in their field.

Let's take a look at his inspiring experience in the session titled "Gene of Good Talent" the following:

Maintain company integrity

As a media company in the technology sector, Rama emphasizes the importance of integrity to his readers. Integrity is important to be able to present quality and reliable news.

Companies must always be careful in hiring new talent, not just filling a vacancy in a position.

"As a media, integrity that's very important. Moreover, [welcoming] industry 4.0, talent is an important asset. Hence, we don't want to rush hired people to maintain the integrity of our readers," he said.

Social media as personal branding

Admittedly, the digital world has developed into a new asylum for a number of people. At least, some of us have more than two social media accounts to be able to interact with many people.

What we may not know, a number of companies have now enforced a digital track record as one of the requirements. It is to see how attitude somebody. However, Rama had a different view.

He emphasized that social media can actually be used as a personal branding a person as a space of freedom and a place for self-expression.

"I believe in a digital track record, but we are not like that. Negative and positive issues are subjective. If I think it's negative, it's not necessarily for other people. Problem [attitude] actually can't help but see when probation. If not perform, we cut," he explained.

Initiative and transparent

Rama also mentioned how work culture can build a better quality of talent. He revealed, there are a number of things that need to be instilled in its employees, such as the value of initiative and transparency.

"The initiative in question, if you believe there is work that can be done, take part in it. Moreover, you are confident in your method of completing the work," said Rama.

Likewise, transparency and honesty are upheld by the company. This means, if they feel they cannot complete the work, employees are not forced to do it.

Have cash flow and/or UR or and/or complete balance sheet risk tolerance

Another value built into his work culture, continued Rama, is to give anyone in the company the opportunity to try something and experiment. Because it is not impossible, this experiment can produce something useful for the company.

"This is one of the things that distinguishes startups from corporate companies. If you have an idea, please execute it. But we love it deadline to make it happen. Engineer we've tried to make an application, we let it. Indeed, the results are not appropriate, but he learned from it," he explained.

Stay dynamic, but not too fast

Startups are said to be dynamic in following market developments. No wonder startups are accustomed to experimenting to get a disruptive solution. This culture is very different from conventional companies.

Rama stressed the importance of working faster than conventional companies to save time and costs. But also don't go too fast, that's not good. It takes trial and error [solutions] before launch to the market."

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