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DailySocial Report: Gaming Gears & Gadgets 2017

Consumers still buy game accessories, even though they mostly play games on mobile

It is undeniable that one of the major drivers of the adoption of computer technology is computer games or computer games. Currently, the use of computers has been mostly carried out through mobile devices, while gaming accessories have been known as additional devices for PCs. Are gaming gears still consumed by Indonesian consumers? And what about gaming accessories for living room consoles for mobile devices?

The survey was conducted by DailySocial in collaboration with the JakPat Mobile Survey Platform, on 1011 respondents who were sampled proportionally from the population of smartphone users throughout Indonesia. Some of the survey findings include:

  • 35.31% of respondents reported spending a total of between 1 and 4 hours per week playing computer games, while 45.60% spent more than 4 hours per week.
  • Only 19.9% ​​of respondents said they spend less than an hour per week playing games.
  • 58.16% of respondents do not have a home gaming console (PlayStation, XBox, Nintendo Wii and the like) in their home.
  • 63.08% of respondents mostly play games on their smartphones or tablets.
  • 69.14% of respondents own a gaming peripheral, at least a gaming mouse.

For more details, please download the free report "Gaming Gears & Gadgets Survey 2017".

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