1. Startups

Guessing Business Digital Transformation Needs during a Pandemic

#DSTalk presents Natali Ardianto (Co-founder & CEO of Lifepack.id & Jovee.id) and Ginandjar Alibasjah (IT Services Director of Lintasarta)

In the face of a pandemic, businesses must continue to adapt in order to survive. One of the adaptations that can be done is to carry out digital transformation. Through digital transformation, a business can continue to develop products and serve consumer demand well in line with digital adaptation which also continues to increase during this pandemic.

However, what businesses must also pay attention to is how digital transformation can not only help them survive, but can also help them scale their business through new opportunities from the transformation.

In the #DSTalk which was held last Thursday (30/7), Natali Ardianto (Co-founder & CEO of Lifepack.id & Jovee.id) and Ginandjar Alibasjah (IT Services Director of Lintasarta), discussed the need to carry out digital transformation at every level. business scale during this pandemic, ranging from adapting to new circumstances to seeking new opportunities.

Part of Adapting to New Conditions

The digital transformation carried out by a business can be said to be part of adaptation to the all-new conditions faced today. According to Natali Ardianto, startups can view conditions as three categories, namely survival, pivots, and emerge.

Startups must be able to survive by maintaining run away company for at least the next two years. The company's operational efficiency and layoffs can also be an option for startups to maintain business continuity. In addition, startups must also start to think strategically to pivot to change business model to suit this pandemic situation. Last is emery by digitizing and starting to target strategies hyperlocal to adapt to new consumer needs.

"For friends who see potential and are just starting now, I think it's a good time, which is important according to consumer needs.” added Natali

Digital Transformation Needs All Business Scales

The need for business transformation is actually something that is inevitable for all business scales, both small businesses and large corporations. According to Ginandjar Alibasjah, this need is not actually present because of the pandemic, but because this is indeed something that every company must do to adapt.

"If we talk about digital transformation, it's actually not a pandemic that triggers it, this pandemic triggers its acceleration." added Ginandjar.

In addition, according to Ginandjar, this transformation can also bring many benefits to corporations. Starting from utilizing well-managed data to Business intelligence new to process simplification that makes operations more efficient.

One of the digital transformation things that all businesses have to pay attention to is how they can build the right digital infrastructure. For businesses that are just starting out, they can take advantage of the help of providers such as Lintasarta to build digital infrastructure such as data center and cloud. This can get around the shortage of resources possible menjadi concern at the start of the business.

In addition to infrastructure, another important thing in carrying out digital transformation is building mindset data security. According to Natali, things like this must be considered from the start, because when the company is already big, the data security problem will be more complex. For this reason, companies also need to prepare a good security system to prevent unwanted data leakage.

Looking for Opportunities Despite the Impact of the Pandemic

On the other hand, business people must also be able to increase their sensitivity to seek new opportunities in their business, one of which is through digital transformation. In addition, Natali also mentioned that every businessman must open minded in the face of this pandemic. First, they must be able to aware to what problems are currently being experienced consumer. Furthermore, they must also be able to accept the pandemic situation that has an impact on business, for that they also need to create business scenarios that are adapted to the development of recovery from this pandemic condition. Finally, every businessman also inevitably needs to adapt. For example doing a pivot or layoffs.

"As entrepreneur, you have to make a lot of hard choices, but must be logical, not you can use feelings." added Natali.

This opportunity can also be realized through collaboration with various parties. For Lintasarta itself, collaboration with startups has been carried out several times. For example, through the 1000 Digital Startup Movement, Lintasarta Digischool, and Appcelerate programs. This collaboration is not only carried out to give birth to new startups, but also helps develop them by helping to achieve go to market, and bring these solutions together with the needs clients Other Lintasarta.

" Lintasarta's commitment to building startups is very large and it is possible that in the future together with startup friends, we can work together with Lintasarta." added Ginandjar.

By carrying out digital transformation, businesses can adapt more quickly to the new needs that arise due to this pandemic period. In addition, every businessman must also be sensitive to the opportunities that can be exploited from this transformation.


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