1. Startups

Apply Artificial Intelligence, Catapa Offers “Human Resources Intelligent System”

It is a startup assisted by GDP Venture

Along with its development, the application of artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence - AI) began to expand and be specific, especially for business. One of them is like what Catapa did by presenting a smart system to help the human resources division in the office.

Incubated startup GDP Ventures The company developed a Human Resources Intelligent System that serves various personnel needs, such as personnel data management, payroll, taxation, to insurance coverage.

In addition to the staffing dashboard that the company can manage, Founder & CEO of Catapa Stefanie Suanita explained, the main difference between the platform and the personnel information system in general is that they have applied AI. One of them is represented in the form of a virtual assistant named "Claudia", designed interactively to assist employees in applying for leave, approving overtime, etc.

chatbot it can be integrated with Facebook Messenger, LINE, Slack or Telegram that the company uses.

Claudia, a virtual assistant to help employees with HR-related needs

Like SaaS (Software as a Service), Catapa's subscription model is quite flexible, calculated based on usage. When applied to businesses, the system can also automatically calculate financing/deductions for BPJS Health and Employment, including calculating PPh 21 for employee taxes. The Catapa platform is also fully integrated with Klik BCA Bisnis.

Several support modules are pre-owned and can be added to the system. Starting from the Recruitment module for the process of recruiting new employees, Time Management to manage attendance data and request leave. There is also a Talenet Management module to manage various matters related to employee competency development, and Reimbursement for submitting submissions or refunds for work needs.

Catapa first released on April 21, 2017. According to Stefanie's presentation, currently Catapa has handled thousands of playslip every month from various business users. To improve features, integration with "sister company" and other supporting platforms are in progress so that in the future it can make it easier for users.

Another thing that is also a concern of Catapa developers is about data security and privacy. In his statement, his party guarantees the security of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) by affixing database encryption (communication) apps), server (communication client), implementation of Network Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), and prevention of data loss (disaster recovery).

Besides Catapa, in Indonesia there are already several startups that provide digital services for personnel needs. There are GreatDay HR, Talenta, Gadjian, Mekari, Jojonomic and so on.

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