1. Startups

PayRide's Different Approach Startup "Car Advertising" Reachs Advertisers and Vehicle Owners

Newly operating in Surabaya and Jakarta with 300 vehicle owners

Even though startups engaged in "car advertising" already a lot, does not necessarily make the opportunities so narrow. In fact, there is a gap in it that startups take advantage of PayRide to start enlivening this segment.

PayRide was founded in Surabaya by Agus Widjaja as Founder and CEO along with his friends, inspired by the traffic jams that occur in big cities in Indonesia. What is different from other players, according to Agus, is that PayRide uses payment for advertising services based on the number of impressions generated, not the distance per kilometer.

In the business process, vehicle owners are given the freedom to choose the advertisements offered by PayRide along with the design of the advertising stickers. From the advertiser's point of view, they have the right to choose the type of wrapping for promotional materials.

Then the vehicle will be assigned a special GPS tracker so that it does not depend on the GPS of the vehicle smartphone driver. The GPS uses an algorithm to calculate the number of impressions from various elements, such as road classification, when the driver is on the road, type of wrapping for promotional materials, city of origin and others.

Then it is reinforced by an analysis that contains a more in-depth explanation of the impression, heatmap, the best drivers, and the demographics of the people in the area. This whole picture is believed to be able to provide a clearer projection for the target audience.

"That way we think is the solution win-win, advertisers can take a unique approach and vehicle owners can earn additional income from the time they spend on the road," Agus said DailySocial.

So far, Agus continued, PayRide has only provided advertising services for four-wheeled vehicle owners. Has worked with more than 1000 car owners but only about 300 of them are registered in campaign PayRide. The locations are scattered in Surabaya and Jakarta. Each car owner, on average, gets an advertising fee of around Rp. 1,5 million per month.

Although it only operates in two cities, PayRide plans to expand to other big cities such as Bandung, Bali and Semarang, plus second- and third-tier cities. In addition, PayRide will also cooperate with third parties for giving Update demographics for smooth reporting to advertisers and the addition of advertising media outside of stickers.

Agus also revealed that this year the plan is to seek new funding to support business escalation. However, his party is still pursuing certain targets with the aim of strengthening the business foundation while gaining investor confidence in the future.

"We still bootstrapped for PayRide operations. Indeed, there is a plan to seek investors from external parties, but we want to achieve the target first so that the business foundation can be stronger in the eyes of investors," concluded Agus.

In Indonesia, apart from PayRide, there are other similar players that have already operated, including Promogo, DoQar, Stickearn, Wrapmobil, Stickar, Inmobi, and Klana.

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