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Capturing Email Opportunities for Marketing Activities

Learn from MailTarget Founder Yopie Suryadi in the #TuesdayStartup session

Often email marketing equated strategy with social media marketing. In fact, the two are very different. Email can be said to be the oldest marketing channel, but it has conversion rate and generate ROI (return on investment) highest.

It's just that the awareness is lacking because it goes into the inbox. Unlike the case with social media which has conversion rate small, however awareness tall one.

From the offers that this email offers, how big is the opportunity for email for marketing activities? So what are the tips to make sure your email doesn't go into spam?

In this edition of #TuesdayStartup, all of these questions were answered by MailTarget Founder Yopie Suryadi. MailTarget is a SaaS startup that operates as an email automation service provider for marketing that has been around since the end of 2016.

Why glance email marketing?

From various sources quoted by Yopie, there are several supporting facts why you need to look at email as a marketing channel. For example, the number of email accounts around the world which is predicted to continue to grow every year, it is stated that in 2016 the number of email accounts reached 4,3 billion.

Next fact, employees spend at least 13 hours every week checking inbox in their email account. Then about 90% of emails sent directly to inbox recipients, while only 2% of followers from your Facebook account see every post on News Feeds they.

Email is 40 times more effective at getting new customers than Facebook and Twitter. Email takes second place for marketing channel the most effective way to execute digital marketing after passing the site. Then followed by social media, organic search, paid search, mobile, and advertising.

"There is a study in the United States that says, now there are 0 people who want to download new applications on their smartphones. They tend to prefer newsletters to stay connected with brands without having to download the application. email marketing]."

Content holds the most important elements

According to Yopie, email marketing is the basic foundation of content. If you don't master that, in the end what will happen is hard selling. You can use content containing light tips to lead to new user acquisition.

Therefore, before making tips, make sure you know very well the right strategy according to the type of consumer. There are three terms, cold audience, "warmand hot audience.

Some inspiration you can include in your email, such as video tutorials, e-books, access to webinars/podcasts, coupons, or something that people are willing to buy, and so on. Because this content is a way to get leads regarding data from potential consumers.

"Content is king, data is queen, and automation is the crown prince."

Understand the flow email marketing

Before creating content, Yopie recommends that you create landing page in charge of capturing data from potential customers. In digital marketing terms, landing page is a web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or online advertisement.

It should contain content, with various requirements to prevent the email from entering the recipient's spam box. We recommend writing content in personal language (or not), short, but interesting. Then when you get potential customers, you can manage their data to automate activities email marketing.

The ultimate ambition is from that email, consumers can still connect with your company by continuing to buy the products you offer.

"In the content, you have to determine what the content is going to be, can you? weekly newsletter, promotions, birthday wishes, e-mail series, event info, and so on. Don't let your email be marked as spam by the recipient."

According to MailTarget research results, continued Yopie, the best time to send email marketing is 10 am, 8 pm, two in the afternoon, or six in the morning. As for the day, the best are Tuesday, Thursday, and Wednesday.

That applies to global, while in Indonesia the best is Monday. Every Monday, the email traffic rate is the highest compared to other days.

Spam avoidance techniques

The scariest thing about email marketing is if the frequency of sending emails is too frequent then consumers will be embarrassed to finally mark your email as spam. Moreover, the current Gmail algorithm is getting smarter so that if there is a word error, it will automatically go into spam.

Basically, according to Yopie, there are three factors that cause an email to be detected as spam. Namely, domain and IP address reputation, content, and frequency.

To overcome that, you have to be good at using hashbusting ie using special characters to replace letters (cont. Fre3e W!nn*r / Free Winner). Next avoid bad links, by replacing unreliable sites or content, by using url shorteners.

Avoid misleading email subjects, and use the "Re:" or "Fwd:" solutions to contact customers you've never communicated with before.

"Using too many images can also be detected as spam, so it is necessary to embed text within the image or send an email without text."

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