Buzzer: Definition, Role, Function and Salary
The term buzzer has become very popular among the general public because it plays an important role in trending various topics on social media
You may often hear the term buzzer when talking about the world of social media. The term buzzer will appear when talking about viral and popular topics on social media. The buzzer itself is considered to have influence, which causes a change in public opinion.
In Indonesia, the term buzzer is very popular among the general public because it plays an important role in trending various topics on social media. Buzzers are individuals or groups who share the same opinion on social media issues.
Here's more details about buzzers, a group that fills the social media space.
Definition of Buzzer
A buzzer is a person who acts as a voice or to express a problem or concern. The buzzers themselves can be individuals or groups who feel the urge to share the same opinion, or people who are set up to share problems.
Buzzers can use various types of social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to express the topics they are interested in. This buzzer may use his real identity or fake identity to express his interest on social media.
In other words, buzzer can be described as a profession where someone is paid to say, explain, promote or defend something. A study entitled The Global Disinformation Order 2019 Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation states that Buzzer is a cyber trooper.
Buzzer means a tool used by members of a government or political party to manipulate public opinion using social media.
Since the 2019 general election, the word buzzer itself is familiar to the Indonesian people. During the 2019 election, many buzzers expressed support, campaigned, and tried to influence public opinion through social media.
The Role and Function of the Buzzer
It can be seen that a buzzer is an individual or group that supports, expresses, or promotes the same problem, opinion, or topic on social media with a predetermined purpose. Buzzing can be done personally or as a job.
Buzzers use popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to voice their opinions virtually or online. With only a basic knowledge of how to use social media, buzzer as a profession can be a flexible part-time option.
Buzzers fall into different categories based on variations in how they work. creating misinformation or manipulation in the media; collectively or in bulk report content or accounts; data-driven tactics, trolling, doxing, or redirection; and the creation of powerful online content and media.
Buzzer services can be used in many fields such as business (buzz marketing), politics, interest groups or individuals. Buzzers generally work together, using social media platforms to voice a common opinion with the aim of encouraging public opinion or influencing the opinions and behavior of social media audiences.
Buzzer can have a positive impact on those who practice the Buzzer profession and can bring various benefits to those who use Buzzer services. However, if the buzzer service is used for negative purposes and the information disseminated by the buzzer is unfounded and false, the buzzer can also have a detrimental effect.
Shifting the Role of the Buzzer for the State
Today, Buzzer's target audience has changed, with initially selling merchandise to public figures who are running for leadership positions in government agencies from companies. Buzzers are tasked with gaining general support for candidates from leaders participating in the campaign.
Indonesia's political disputes make social media one of the media that plays an important role in conducting political campaigns. If the account has many followers and participates in political campaigns by spreading various false reports and hate speech (Mustika, 2019; Syahputra, 2017).
The role of buzzers in raising public awareness during political campaigns
get the world's attention. Bradshaw & Howard (2019) publishes
studies on the use of buzzers in different countries. Use
buzzers in political contexts occur in almost all regions of the world.
As many as 89% of the 70 countries surveyed in the survey used
buzzer to attack political opponents. In Indonesia, politicians and political parties use buzzers to build public opinion and support their potential leaders.
Buzzer Indonesia's trend is to create topics using fake accounts that are highly controlled by both humans and robots to create disinformation and misinformation content. The big message created by the buzzer resulted in the topic of conversation being trending topic on social media.
Buzzer Salaries in Indonesia
Actually, the salary and income of buzzers in Indonesia are very diverse. product buzzers that have collaborated with agencies can reach tens of millions of rupiah every month. depending on the role performed. but there are also political buzzers who can earn per project income.
In a general context, buzzers are not really a problem and can have a positive meaning, they are like people who are paid by brands or individuals or organizations to promote their products or services. but it's a shame that in Indonesia the name of the buzzer seems to be smeared because of practical political activities that make some buzzers a means of spreading hoaxes.
In the Indonesian context, buzzers have been used by community leaders to maintain power. Regulation is designed as a weapon of defense against the onslaught of slander. The Electronic Information Transactions Law (UU ITE) is seen as a self-defense measure for the government to beat the buzzers of political opponents.
Even state institutions often face problems with the ITE law on defamation. From a critical point of view, this situation is seen not only as a result of the emergence of social media, but also of actors connecting to protect their own interests.
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