1. Startups

Birru.id Helps Companies Reduce Spending with the "Video Meeting" Platform

Starting next year, start expanding your business

Supported by adequate devices, how to work outside the office is a trend that many people do. Simply connect to the internet, easily connect with colleagues. Seeing this business potential, Birru.id tries to come by offering online meeting solutions according to user needs.

CEO Birru.id Baihaki Ageng Sela said that his party is looking at this potential because currently there is efficiency within the company for official trips out of town, especially for civil servants (PNS). This efficiency is not in line with the increase in travel costs that must be incurred for each official trip.

This condition "forces" employees to take advantage of the current video platform to hold meetings with colleagues outside the city. Service example Existing the closest is Webex.

"Birru.id sees a need there. We are more flexible, there are tailor-made to suit consumer needs as a step we are preparing to compete with similar services," explained Baihaki to DailySocial.

Birru.id offers a number of solutions, ranging from communication platforms for internal companies, white label platforms by using on premise data center, and -based solutions Tailor-made for training, customer serviceand marketing.

Device video meetings

Session video meetings while this can only be filled with a maximum of 12 participants at a time. Prior to holding a session, host The person appointed can fill in the material, either in the form of documents for photos, which will be discussed later video meetings started.

The uploaded document can be displayed directly to all participants because there is a feature screen sharing. Additional documents can also be uploaded in the middle video meetings.

In screen sharing available whiteboard  equipped with tools more to doodle with whiteboard tools that has been provided, typing directly in the whiteboard, or typing through the box chat. Thus the way video meetings can be more interactive because all participants can participate.

"Birru.id provides tools that are whiteboards that can be controlled directly by the user host. Every event which has beencreate on the site, participants can follow by simply entering Password just."

Business goals

The Birru.id platform has been used by partners since June 2018. Previously, Birru.id was born because of the initial idea that emerged from the Natieva platform, a site for learning English online.

So far Birru.id has been used by Markplus.inc for online training, Tangsel Learning for online English courses, email system management, and online mentoring. Another partner is Dompet Dhuafa for free online courses. From these partners, Birru.id pocketed approximately 500 registered users.

Baihaki continued, for this year Birru.id is still available on a limited basis, not yet for the public. Target B2B market, all Birru.id services can be enjoyed for free and for corporate subscriptions.

"We are still based websites, want to complete the service first before presenting the application."

The plan is this year, he and his team will increase the capacity video meetings so 50 people. Next develop service private room and create products that will target individual users.

"When all these targets have been realized, we will launch the application. Next year we will start to be more aggressive than today," he concluded.


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