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Amazon Launches Free Lumberyard Game Engine, No Less Powerful Than CryEngine

Lumberyard provides all the toolset you need to create 'AAA' class games.

Company E-commerce American giant Amazon has long been rumored to be trying to solidify their footing in the industry Gaming. Some of Amazon's big moves include opening Gaming Studios, as well as acquiring Double Helix Games and streaming website Twitch. And their vision is becoming more and more realized through the launch of Lumberyard.

Amazon Lumberyard is video game engine 3D quality blockbuster, integrated into Amazon Web Services and Twitch. Lumberyard is designed as cross-platform engine, so users are free to decide to what system their creations will be served. Amazon wants their work to encourage developer to focus more on the content creation process instead of having to build engine from scratch and manage the infrastructure yourself.

Lumberyard provides all kinds toolset what you need to create a 'AAA' class game. There are features editing comprehensive, supported by the latest graphic technology, the flexibility of character editing and animation, particle, UI, audio, physical systems, cameras, weather effects to artificial intelligence. Then features online claimed to be very simple, can be built in minutes via the method drag-and-drop simple.

The reason why Lumberyard is visually captivating is that it's based on CryEngine - engine which powers the Crysis series, Ryse, to Star Citizen. Creator offered technology rendering capable, allowing them to create virtual objects or 3D worlds that are close to the real thing, supported by various graphic effects. It is equipped tool Geppetto character creation as well as tool animation named Mannequin.

Another factor that is no less unique than Lumberyard is its integration into Twitch. So after game it's done, the game can be accessed immediately by 1,7 million broadcaster and more than 100 million monthly visitors streaming website  the. Through the JoinIn capability in Lumberyard, broadcaster welcome to invite live audience in game and play together. These methods ensure the ecosystem Gamingits always connected.

If you intend to create a game multiplayer, Lumberyard carries GameLift; infrastructure serverit can be adjusted to the needs of the player. Preparation process backend can be trimmed from thousands of hours to a matter of minutes. GameLift also monitors activity gamer and monitor capacity server. You can specify the number of servers required.

Currently in stage beta, the best part about Amazon Lumberyard is, engine is provided free of charge. We don't have to pay subscription fees or spend any royalties.

Can't wait to try it? Download now HERE.

Sumber: Amazon.

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