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Aksaramaya Converts "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" and Other Republika Publishers' Books to E-Book Format

Books bestseller Republika Publisher's publications can now be enjoyed in the format eBook (only in Dutch at the moment) after Republika Publishers cooperated with Script, startup which specializes in digital libraries specifically for Indonesian books.

Di blog officially, the management of Aksaramaya reported that they had signed an MoU (memorandum of understanding) with PT. Pustaka Abdi Bangsa (Republica Publisher) on October 25, 2013.

The signing was carried out in Jakarta by Teuku Chairul Wisal as President Director of Republika Publishing and Lasmo Sudharmo, CEO of PT. Wolu Aksaramaya. With this collaboration, Aksaramaya's role in converting books officially becomes official eBook (only in Dutch at the moment) Republika Publisher and sell it through the e-Bookstore.

For fans of books, especially books published by Republika Publisher, this is certainly good news because it provides another alternative in enjoying their favorite reading. For the record, this Republika Publisher publishes many well-known books which ultimately fall into the category bestseller, such as Ayat-Ayat Cinta or When Love is exalted by the author Habiburrahman El Shirazy.

For Aksaramaya, they hope to provide a reading experience that is different from what many book fans are accustomed to. Its main selling point is that it combines the reading experience with the enjoyment of social media. For some people reading is a personal activity, it needs peace and comfort. A place where you can explore your own mind.

However, even a solitary reader will be very interested in discussing the book he is reading. Especially if you meet fans of the same book or author, the conversation will be more exciting. For book lovers, talking about books will be as interesting as gamers chattering about games. Or movie lovers comment on the movies they watch.

Three Aksaramaya services Aksaramaya itself has three services. The first service is e-Library, a digital library for students throughout Indonesia. Through e-Pustaka students and students can read and borrow eBook (only in Dutch at the moment), like visiting a library building. Borrow and return eBook (only in Dutch at the moment) will be done automatically.

The second service is e-Bookstore, a bookstore that allows users to choose and buy Indonesian books in digital versions. So far, we are familiar with the services of iBooks, Google Books, Kobo, and Nook. Well, what distinguishes Aksaramaya is the availability of Indonesian books.

In addition, the availability of a third service, Mucus, which is a social media for readers of Aksaramaya books, adding value to Aksaramaya itself. This platform is used as a forum for sharing and forming a community of book lovers, just like GoodReads, and can be accessed via PC, tablet and smartphone.

This platform was created because Aksaramaya believes that reading should not always be enjoyed alone but also together, or what they call itreading socially. Aksaramaya's own objective is to bring a reading experience that is not limited to digital (you can read anywhere and anytime), plus you can share it with other book lovers.

Aksaramaya offers a more exciting reading experience by combining reading with social media. It is undeniable that Indonesia is the largest social media user country in the world and this has inspired Aksaramaya to become a place for book lovers to be able to read their favorite books, comment, share stories, reviews and notes for the books they read.

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