1. DScovery

Survey: Definition, Characteristics, Purpose, and Kinds

A survey is a process of collecting data or information from a group of respondents with the aim of gaining a better understanding of a particular topic or problem.

One interesting type of research is survey research. Especially for people who like challenges and new things. Surveys not only provide the desired data but also provide additional experiences. 

If we talk about survey research, maybe some of you are still wondering what it means, what purpose, and what type of survey research is done. Next, let's see. 

Definition of Survey

Survey research is a research method that involves collecting data through interviews or questionnaires to respondents. The purpose of this survey research is to obtain data on a particular topic or matter. The data obtained is usually a generalization of observations that are not too deep.

Survey research methods are generally used in quantitative research, where data can be collected for both the past and the present. Survey research also has associative, comparative, associative comparative characteristics, as well as structural relationships that can be analyzed using path analysis and structural equation models.

Definition of Survey According to Experts

Experts provide the following definition of survey research:

  1. Fred N. Kerlinger (2004) defines survey research as research that examines large or small populations by selecting samples from that population to find the relative incidence, distribution, and interrelation of research variables.
  1. Asmadi Alsa (2004) explains that survey research is a procedure in which researchers conduct surveys or provide questionnaires or scales to samples to describe attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of respondents. The results of these surveys are used by researchers to make claims about trends in the population.
  1. Margono (2005) states that the survey research method is a critical observation made to obtain clear and good information on a particular problem in a certain area.
  1. Nazir (2005) explains that the meaning of survey research is an investigation to obtain facts about existing phenomena and seek factual information about social, economic or political institutions of certain groups or individuals.
  1. Widodo (2008), a survey is a type of research that is used to address major and actual issues by involving a very wide population. In surveys, the use of a large sample size is important because it allows data collection from a large number of respondents. Nonetheless, the method of measuring variables in surveys tends to be simpler by using instruments that are short and easy to understand.

Characteristics of Survey Research

Features of survey research include:

  1. Involve a representative sample of the population: Survey research uses a random sampling technique (probabilistic sampling) to ensure that the sample taken can represent the characteristics of the population in general.
  1. Information collected directly from respondents: In survey research, information is obtained through responses or views conveyed by respondents. This can be done through a written questionnaire or oral interview.
  1. The sample must be representative and comparable to the population: In order for survey results to be generalizable to the entire population, it is important to have a relatively large sample size that is proportional to the number of members in the population.

Survey Research Objectives

As a research method, the survey has a very important purpose in terms of its role and contribution. Here are some of the goals:

  1. Description

The main purpose of survey research is to provide a detailed description of the topic being researched by the researcher. This is so that what you want to convey can be received and understood by others.

  1. Explanation

Aside from being a description, survey research also aims to examine and explain causal relationships between certain variables through hypothesis testing.

  1. Exploration

Survey research also aims to conduct an initial exploration or investigation of a topic before conducting further research using other research methods.

  1. Evaluation

Surveys can also be used as an evaluation tool for programs that are currently running or will be formulated in the future. The purpose of this evaluation is to facilitate adjustments for the program so that it remains in line with expectations.

  1. Prediction

Another purpose of surveys is to make predictions about certain things based on the data collected in the research process.

  1. Operational Research

Surveys are often used in types of operational studies where the focus is on the many variables that are still related to the operational aspects of a system or organization.

  1. Development of Social Indicators

In the humanities field, surveys are often used to develop various indicators related to social issues on a regular basis.

For those wishing to conduct survey research, it is important to understand the different types of surveys that exist. There are several types of survey research that can be viewed in terms of instruments and time span. For more information on this subject, please refer to relevant sources.

Types of Survey Research

Survey research takes many forms, as described below:

  1. Based on Instrumentation

   - Survey research may use instruments in the form of questionnaires or interviews (structured or unstructured).

   - Questionnaires can consist of closed questions with provided answer choices, or open questions to explore the respondent's answers.

   - Interviews allow researchers to ask follow-up questions and gain a better understanding of respondents' answers.

  1. Based on the Required Time Span

   - Cross-sectional survey: Collects information from respondents over a period of time, usually using a questionnaire at one point in time.

     Example: Survey on youth views on smoking in May 2010.

   - Longitudinal survey: Collecting information over a certain period of time or from one point in time to another, with the aim of checking changes in the data collected.

     Examples: Cohort studies, panel studies and trend studies.

This is an explanation of surveys from understanding to types of survey research. Hope this article helps you!

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