1. Startups

A Starter Kit to Become an Angel Investor

Becoming an angel investor in a startup can be started with a more affordable budget

Based on data compiled by DailySocial, there are at least 2020 deals in Indonesia that have announced to receive funding from angel investors in XNUMX.

In a recent conversation with DailySocial, Edward Tirtanata once mentioned the landscape of angel investors in Indonesia. He said, the current angel investor ecosystem is not very developed. In fact, quite a few startups seek access to early-stage funding through this route.

Indonesia currently has an angel investment network through WIND (Angel Investment Network Indonesia), however, if you refer to information from a number of startup founders, there is not much access to connect with angel investors. The existence of angel investors in Indonesia is not actually non-existent, it's just that they tend to avoid exposure.

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