1. Startups

A New Purpose, A New DailySocial

For quite some time, DailySocial.id has been one of the biggest source for startups news in Indonesia through our articles, videos, and recently our research effort also puts our company in a unique position in the industry. But one thing that is constant, is change. We've been preaching about the value of experimentation, innovation, and risk. So, this is us, walking the walk.

2019 hasn't been easy for our colleagues in the digital media sector, as with us, but we managed to slip through and survive. A big part of that survival plan, was our philosophy of not position our self as a media company but as a ecosystem builder and innovation enabler. We understand that one jargon too many, but for us, it is what it is.

When we launched Orchestra.co.id last year, the reception has been superb even though it was just an MVP (and yes, we're working as hard as we can to launch the full version). But our Orchestra platform is exactly what this company is about: ecosystem and innovation. The platform connects everyone in the innovation ecosystem from corporate, founders, investors, academics, developers, designers, regulators etc. This is what we are, and the media is an integral part of the Orchestra platform as well.

This year, we announced a new logo and a new website. The new logo represents our values: innovative, creative, educative. We love the new logo, and we hope you do too. The new website, has been in the works for 3 months now and it's a manifestation of what DailySocial.id really is: an educator, a connector, an innovator. Our new philosophy on how we approach information distribution and how to engage to our audience, reflects in our new website. The team did an amazing job building this new website, we hope you like it too!

A few features you first notice is the BUILD, LAUNCH, CONNECT button on top. Those are incoming platforms that we'll be launching in a few months.

BUILD, is a platform to organize hackathons. Hackathon is something we've been doing for a very-very long time, and we feel like we can simplify, optimize and automate some of the process while adding value for startups or corporate who wants to do hackathons (which is growing fast these days , btw).

LAUNCH, is a mentoring platform designed for online incubation, accelerator programs as well as corporate trainings. As you probably know, more and more companies are doing incubator and accelerator programs these days, but they're very inefficient, expensive and our LAUNCH platform eliminates 90% of those problems.

CONNECT, is something we've been building for a few years now. It's an online directory or Indonesian startups that we've been using internally (for editorial purposes) but received lots of pressure to make it public for friends and colleagues. So, we're making it more user friendly and pretty, before we launch it publicly for everyone to see.

As you can probably see, we've got a lot of work to do. DailySocial.id is more than a decade old, and we'll be here for a decade more. But we couldn't be more excited about the future of this company and the team we have right now is more than perfect to be able to drive this company to win!

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