1. Startups

When Should Founders Hear Startup Mentors?

The right mentor's advice should be able to accelerate startup growth

Great mentors are those who can take a startup to the next stage. But when is their advice good to implement and when is it left on the table?

The basic truth that goes with setting up a startup is that you don't know everything you need to know. You probably know some of what you know to be successful. But you don't have to do this alone, you need help from a mentor.

But a mentor isn't someone you always listen to all the time. There are times when you absolutely have to listen to what your startup mentor has to say and there are times when you don't have to. Article This article will discuss in more detail about the right time to listen to startup mentors' directions, here's a summary:

When to listen to a mentor's advice?

The mentor figure you choose doesn't just appear. You should choose them for a reason. The mentor was appointed probably because founder assessing that the mentor has certain skills, it is felt to be able to expand knowledge and market opportunities.

What is certain is that you and your mentor have something in common "common sense", which is one topic you should always listen to. For example, related to marketing, business development, sales, public relations, and so on that are not owned by the Company founder.

In addition to advice, a good startup mentor can connect you with the network they already have. If someone is already a mentor, they most likely have a good network that can do a lot to help your startup scale.

When not to listen to advice?

Not all of the advice that mentors give you is suitable for your startup. So when is a good time to get advice? When you realize there is another motivation behind the advice they give.

Because there are lots of well-meaning people to help you, if they want to get into the company and run your business that's not a good thing. You want to have someone you want to respect and that person can respect your abilities.

There is a contradiction between mentors

This problem will occur if you participate in a startup accelerator program, there are several mentors there. All mentors will give you input and there may be some contradictions there.

When this happens, the final decision is yours. Re-examine your startup's initial vision and mission. What do you like when you get a few different pieces of advice, that's when you have to decide who to listen to, who not to listen to. Or should you trust your own instincts?

Suggestions are too abstract for startup

Experience-based advice is great, but sometimes advice from a mentor can be too abstract to realize that it can be beneficial for a startup. Lots founder listeners will hear opinions based on short interpretations. Whereas in product development and management it is necessary to take a logical approach based on data and observations from users, not just suggestions.

Good advice, besides being able to be implemented at this time, it must also have a correlation with its benefits in the future.

Where to find a good mentor figure?

There are certain places in which there is a mentor figure. For example, from your own network on LinkedIn, Micromentor.org, accelerator and incubator programs. There are actually other places, but it's unlikely that you'll find the right mentor for you. Like people from the baby boomer generation with successful careers, but still active so they don't look for full time jobs anymore.

If these people are not already in your network, another suggestion is to ask people who are older than you. The point is that they can introduce you to friends who are more successful than them. You can also find mentors through the alumni network.

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