1. Startups

Pinstagram: The Easy Way to Enjoy Instagram on the Web and iPad

Instead of cloning a site, a group from Silicon Valley developed mashup of two startup most popular on the Internet: Pinterest + Instagram and they named it Pinstagram. I'm not an active user of Instagram, but I have to admit that many Indonesians are active users of this service, so Pinstagram might be useful.

Pinstagram offers an easy way to view pictures from the Instagram service via the web, developed in Silicon Valley by Brandon Leonardo and Pek Pongpaet who joked to make "Pinterest for Instagram" their weekend project. Pinstagram is widely covered by the media, this service is a sensational mashup service and is covered by almost all the technology media, both online nor offline, like Wired, Forbes, RWW, they're everywhere.

We had the opportunity to chat with the founder, BrandonLeonardo and Pak Pongpaet as well as with Aditya Herlambang, the third team member from Pinstagram who joined last. Aditya previously worked as is a Software Engineer at Pulse News, app news reader for iPad/iPhone based in Silicon Valley.

When asked about why they were inspired to create this service, Pek Pongpaet replied, "Pinstagram started as a joke. We asked ourselves what would happen if we combined two of the most popular and fastest growing social networking services today: Pinterest and Instagram. ". More than 50 million Instagram users are growing very fast around the world but the service is optimized for users mobile devices and not for users desktop with, a gap Brandon and Pek wanted to fill.

For founder see the value of the service they've developed because there was no good way of presenting Instagram on the web before Pinstagram. They aim to provide an easier way to view photos quickly, and "Like" or comment on photos and easily share photos outside of the Instagram service.

And it looks like users are loving the idea that Pinstagram brings. The number of their users is growing very fast. "Number user retention our service is unbelievable, you are quite surprised that people keep coming back to our site. We also get input from your users who want new features," said Aditya Herlambang, a member of the Pinstagram team tasked with developing their iPad application.

So after providing experience desktop with amazingly, the next step is to make it available for tablets, another channel that is also not yet optimized by Instagram. The Pinstagram team decided that the iPad is the next big step for Pinstagram. "We are ready to release the iPad version of the Pinstagram application developed by Aditya Herlambang. I think the iPad application will have a big impact on how people view their Instagram photos using an iPad. So far, the Pinstagram application is one of the most popular applications on App Store," Brandon said. (iPad version of Pinstagram has been released-ed).

Despite growing very rapidly, Pinstagram's popularity is largely dependent on Instagram and the growth of their users. Pinstagram is betting big on Instagram's survival, and after its acquisition by Facebook, things are not looking so good for Pinstagram. "In the short term, Pinstagram is not going to change much. Initially we may add facilities for non-Instagram users to be able to use Pinstagram. In the long term we will continue to fill any reasonable gaps in Instagram features and develop the best ways to looking at Instagram," Brandon said when asked about the future of Pinstagram.

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