1. Startups

PetaKita Offers Map-Based City Directory Search Online

In leisure, directory information the city may be one of the things that are desperately needed. Besides being able to be used so as not to get lost, it can also be used to find various public service locations and other locations such as tours, restaurants, and the like. If you currently need this service, maybe you can try visiting this new startup, PetaKita. Present to offer services online directories map based, Our Map try to direct the user to find any location nearby. The service is currently only available for the city of Bandung.

Directory service online There are actually many local startups present, especially for local startups. For those of you who often follow news developments on DailySocial, you may recognize some startups such as FillCity, From here, urbanesia, and so on that have similar directory services with their respective mainstays. Immediately entering a competition that already has many players, PetaKita tries to offer a slightly more advanced function than its competitors.

The directory function offered is actually not much new, it's just that most of the directory features presented are based on map information online which of course can make it easier for users to search for more detailed location addresses. Like Google Maps, information point of interest (POI) in PetaKita displayed with pin geo-tagging commonly found in Google Maps and so on.

In PetaKita users can search for a number of public directories that are quite complete. There are five main search categories presented, namely the Business, Tourism, Culinary, Social and Events. The five categories have various search sub-categories that are also complete, ranging from Mall locations, Markets, Minimarkets, ATM locations, Hotels, Tourist Attractions, to places of worship.

To make searching easier, location pins are displayed in a different color for each category, so users won't have any trouble searching on the map online. In each search, users can also browse reviews given by other users to add other information that may be needed.

As a new player, PetaKita is currently still in the beta stage, where further development will still be carried out by the developer. Although until now there is no further information, it is possible that PetaKita, which is currently still focused on serving in the city of Bandung, in the future can expand to other cities which are certainly needed so that the reach of its users is wider.

In general, what PetaKita offers cannot be said to be very good, most of its functions will look exactly the same as what is offered by Google Maps. When compared, in terms of functions and features, Google Maps is certainly much more up-to-date than PetaKita, but on the other hand, PetaKita can actually still have better potential if it can present content that is much more local than Google Maps. With content that is more friendly and familiar to users, of course PetaKita can become a favorite in the future.

[photo illustration: Shutterstock]

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