1. Startups

DKI Provincial Government Collaborates with Several Digital Startups to Online Street Trade

As part of the Jakarta Smart City program, #KAKI5JKT wants to encourage SMEs to benefit from digitalization

Through the Cooperative, MSME, and Trade Office (KUMKMP) and Jakarta Smart City, the DKI Provincial Government launched the #KAKI5JKT program in collaboration with Indorelawan and several digital startups engaged in the culinary field, including Zomato, Porter, and GO-FOOD. The #KAKI5JKT program is said to want to improve digital presence from PKL assisted by the KUMKMP Office which is expected to help increase the income of street vendors, as well as provide a sense of security to the community because only street vendors who have been certified by BPPOM will be included in the #KAKI5JKT program.

Data collection began at 18 target locations and temporary locations that have been registered with the KUMKMP Office from all over Jakarta. Head of the KUMKMP Office, Irwandi in his speech said:

"This program is the provincial government's effort to realize the governor's vision and mission. Helping SMEs educate street vendors about the latest technology that allows street vendors to be found and ordered via smartphones, and aims to make street vendors well organized, increase the competitiveness of street vendors, and provide healthy culinary delights at affordable prices. ."

Head of UP Jakarta Smart City Setiaji added, "For sure this activity is very useful to complete the data for street vendors on the Jakarta Smart City portal such as additional photos, menus, and so on. It is hoped that the data will help people find street vendors in Jakarta."

Since Monday, 15 February 2016, around 400 street vendors can be found through the Zomato portal, and now Jakartans can order a variety of healthy and affordable street food vendors through the Porter website and the GO-JEK mobile application. In the future, UP Jakarta Smart City will continue to support all SKPD in the DKI Provincial Government so that they can maximize technological advances to create a more efficient and informative Jakarta for the community.

The digital startups involved in this program are also quite enthusiastic. Presented by Co-Founder Porter Jessica Hendrawidjaja:

"In short, regarding the collaboration with Jakarta Smart City, we from Porter help digitize SMEs (street vendors) in the Jakarta area, of which there are 12.000 SMEs recorded according to the KUMKM (Cooperative, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Service. Porter will include SME data that has been recorded by the JSC team to Porter Kakilima, includes food pictures, food names, SME names, prices, SME locations."

From this collaboration, Porter hopes that SME traders can increase their sales and also make it easier for Jakarta residents to find and enjoy a variety of street food in Jakarta by ordering directly at Street Porter. This collaboration also raises the name of Jakarta as a city that is "tech-savvy", the first city in the world that can register almost all street vendors online.

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