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Paradigm Is: Definition, Types, and Examples

Paradigm is a pattern of thought, conceptual framework, or perspective used to understand the world and interpret phenomena.

Paradigm is a belief that underlies a person in doing everything. Paradigm can also influence the way a person thinks and behaves towards all things. Paradigm can develop along with the development of technology and science. Therefore, scientific advances or new discoveries can also change the way people understand a phenomenon.

What are the different types of paradigms and examples? See the following article for a full explanation.

Understanding Paradigm

Paradigm is a set of basic beliefs, values, theories, concepts, and methods that form the basis of understanding a person or a scientific discipline. These paradigms form the basis for understanding and research in certain fields and influence the way we see the world around us and how we process information.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), paradigm has several different meanings. One of them is a list of all the tenses showing the conjugation and declination of the word.

Paradigm can also be interpreted as a model in scientific theory and framework. In the context of science, paradigm refers to the conceptual framework that forms the basis of understanding and research in a particular field.

The existence of a paradigm can influence the way humans view the world around them and how they manage information. Paradigm can also influence the way a person solves problems and develops theories in a field.

Paradigm Types

The following are the types of paradigms and their explanations, taken from an e-Journal entitled "Variants of Paradigms, Approaches, Methods, and Types of Research in Communication Studies" by Muslim:

  1. Positivistic Paradigm: Focus on scientific observation and measurement in search of objective truth.
  1. Constructivist Paradigm: Emphasizes that social reality is the result of the joint construction of individuals in different social groups, depending on their respective perspectives.
  1. Interpretive Paradigm: Understanding social reality as a result of the interpretation of the meaning given by individuals and groups.
  1. Critical Paradigm: Criticizes power and existing social structures with the aim of seeking social justice and liberation.
  1. Feminist Paradigm: Emphasizes the importance of understanding gender roles and gender equality in social reality.
  1. Postmodern Paradigm: Concrete that social reality is a social construction without any objective truth or meaning.
  1. Systemic Paradigm: Viewing social reality as a complex system that is interrelated with reciprocal interactions between its elements.

Paradigm example

Here are examples of paradigms in everyday life:

  1. Positivistic Paradigm: When someone wants to seek an objective and accurate understanding of a phenomenon or problem, they will use a scientific, data-driven approach.
  1. Constructivist Paradigm: When interacting with others, individuals tend to understand that their views and thoughts are influenced by different backgrounds, experiences, and contexts. They then try to build a shared understanding by appreciating the other person's point of view.
  1. Critical Paradigm: Seeing social injustice or unfair power structures, humans tend to criticize and look for ways to change these structures so that they are more just for society.
  1. Interpretive Paradigm: When someone is having a discussion with friends or family about an issue, they will give suggestions according to their own personal perspective. Each individual has a unique viewpoint that can influence the advice given.
  1. Feminist Paradigm: When there is gender inequality in the social community, social activists will strive to achieve gender equality and pay attention to the role of gender in society as a whole.

Thus a summary of the paradigm from its understanding to examples. We hope that this information will add to your knowledge base.

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