1. Startups

KitaWhere to Offer Recommended 'Hangout' Places in Malang and Jakarta

WeWhere is one of the startup from Indonesia who emerged through the Startup Asia event in Jakarta last week. Then, what and how exactly are we, where is this? Actually, the concept is not much different from Urbanesia, which is to become a site that will provide guidance and information about places to hang out and events.

As an added value, the management of KitaKemana tries to provide useful information as complete as possible, as well as recommendations that are considered quality.

In choosing a place to "hang out", the most common scenario that often occurs is like this: an appointment to meet a friend. After the time is right, then the next question must be if not the location or activity. “Where?”, finally, what often happens is the words “whatever”, “anywhere, free”, “I'll just go with you,”.

Conversations like this will last long enough, until someone takes the initiative to set goals and activities. Not infrequently, conversations are interrupted without a solution and end when the deadline is met. The end of the story, will go to that place-that's all. It could be, it's a shared favorite place, but if every weekend go there, after a long time too bored.

whose name is refreshing, should be separated from the routine, wouldn't it be very strange, if the intention was to break away from the routine for a moment but what exists instead creates a new routine. In this era of information flood, this should not be a problem. Stay google everything is done. But it is undeniable, too many choices also make people lazy to choose, lazy to bother, or confused.

Not everyone also has an adventurous spirit and dares to try all the new things that are presented in front of their eyes, such as events or new "hangout" places. In the end will always look for recommendations. That's what makes business review where there are always fans. The market is wide open and anyone has the opportunity to seize the market.

KitaKemana tries to help consumers find various activities that can be done with friends. According to its website, KitaKemana is not just a directory, but provides the most complete recommendations and information about exciting events and places in various cities in Indonesia. However, currently there are only two cities on offer: Malang and Jakarta.

So, if you happen to want to know what's happening around the two cities, just look for it on this site. Currently this site is still in beta, but when viewed, there is a fairly complete list of categories available. Such as Art which contains events related to the arts, Concerts, information on concerts that will be held in the two cities, as well as Exhibitions, Hobbies, Workshops, Cafes, Culinary, Entertainment, Shop, and Tourism.

Don't miss the Editor's Pick column and event review reports complete with photos. For the Places column, it contains reviews and recommended places by the KitaKemana team, equipped with rating which makes it easier for visitors to make choices.

The founders of this site are Aulia Rahmani, Caesar Aldhela, and Nashihuddin Al-Bilal. KitaKemana itself stands under Hellonemo which is a digital creative studio located in Malang.

The pre-launch development took approximately six months, from research to prototypes. According to his team, the obstacle faced was content gathering. Lack of personnel for content gathering makes the process slower. “The target in a week we can enter 5-7 content, due to lack of team so a maximum of 2-3 content that comes in."

According to Aulia, KitaKemana was founded because, “often traveling and every time we go to a city we are always confused looking for event references and places we want to visit.”

"Search in various website also turned out to be less helpful because reviewsometimes it's confusing and incomplete. Finally we did some research before making KitaWhere, is it really needed? website kind of WeWhere."

After the research, it was decided to make KitaKemana the curator of events and venues. In addition, KitaKemana is segmented for urban circles, so the Events and Places reviewed are separate and according to segmentation.

“Our current strongest competitors are Urbanesia and sites such as Jakarta Events, Surabaya Events, and others. In the face of competition, KitaKemana currently relies on designs that are different from competitors, complete information in each review events and places and views that make it easy user, "He explained.

The strategy going forward, Aulia said that they will cooperate with startups others, as well as collaboration with the places reviewed and event organizer for vouchers and ticket sales.

"Currently, the KitaKemana team is still focused on product development, so it's possible that in the second or third year, a new business model will be seen fixed. KitaKemana.com's target is to become leading Indonesian online lifestyle & city directory"We hope that in the next year we can reach five big cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Jogja, Bandung and Malang," he concluded.

[Photo illustration: Shutterstock]


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