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Tips for Successful Interviews and Public Speaking Ala Content Creator VINA A Muliana

This trick can be a solution for those of you who want to be successful in interviews and public speaking.

For those of you who are looking for a job, you must be familiar with job interview. Well, this interview stage is usually done after you pass the file selection. Generally, this interview stage is used by recruiters to find out more about yourself and determine whether you have the appropriate criteria for the company. Well, the factors that support the smoothness of this interview stage are public speaking skills.

Soft skills this has an important role in the interview stage, but sometimes not everyone has public speaking skills sufficient. However, for those of you who have a shy nature, it will certainly be constrained when talking or communicating. Especially if the situation you are facing is an interview test to get into your dream company. Don't let it pass you by!

Well, for that you must have sufficient preparation to take part in interviews, one of which is by applying some tips for success in interviews and training public speaking.

Successful Interview With Questions, Praise, Reaction Formulas Content Creator Vina A Muliana

Actually there are many tips that can make you more confident to be able to do it public speaking for a successful job interview. One of them is by following the Tanya Puji Reaction formula initiated by Vina A Muliana, Content Creator and Senior Associate Culture Measurement and Program Development MIND ID.

The Ask Praise Reaction formula is perfect for fresh graduates who has a shy nature when it comes to dealing with job interview tests. Here's the explanation!

1. Ask

The first formula is a question. Generally at the interview stage HRD will ask the candidate, you can try to ask again to make a conversation open ended. So, it can increase interaction during the interview session.

2. Praise

Praise here is to mention the interviewer's name occasionally when giving answers, this can be useful to create an element of praise and closeness with the interviewer which can later create chemistry good for both parties.

3. Reaction

According to Vina, the last formula is reaction. This formula is very important in the interview stage. Usually in the last session of the interview, the interviewer will give you the opportunity to ask questions. For that, use this opportunity to ask questions and give reactions to what has been discussed previously.

Sharpening Tips Public Speaking For those who have a shy nature

Of course, the three formulas above must also be collaborated with skillpublic speaking which is good so that the interview can run smoothly. However, don't worry Vina also provides some sharpening tips public speaking so you can pass the interview.

Giving Positive Affirmations To Yourself

The first tip is to try to take a deep breath and give it a try vibes positive for yourself, if you can and are able to speak. This is useful for increasing self-confidence and what you learn is not wasted. Then, don't forget to always stay calm.

Avoid Direct Eyes

When you have to deal with audience a lot, try to avoid looking into their eyes and look at the temples or forehead audience. By doing this trick you can increase your confidence, you know!

However, don't use this trick when doing the usual interview stages they would be, because it can give a signal if you do not respect the other person.

Read More Books

One of the factors that can make public speaking to run smoothly is that you must be able to have a diverse collection of words. So, you need to read a lot of books to increase your vocabulary, but you need to remember to use words that people can understand audience or your interlocutor.

Well, those are some sharpening tips public speaking which is for those of you who have a shy nature to be successful in the interview stage. Of course, there are still many tips and tricks that will be given by Vina A Muliana that you can apply in everyday life or also develop a career.

To hear more about tips and tricks as well as a million inspirations in your career, you can attend event Young On Top, namely Young On Top National Conference (YOTNC) 2022 which will be held on July 23, 2022 in Kota Kasablanka, Kasablanka Hall 3rd floor, South Jakarta. In addition to Vina A Muliana, of course there will be 12 speaker well-known names such as Grace Tahir, Ernanda Putra, Ricky Silaen who are ready to inspire you. What are you waiting for, register now via www.youngontop.com/yotnc

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