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Legal Technology Company Initiated the Establishment of Indonesian "Regtech" and "Legaltech" Associations

Encouraging people to be more legal literate, will have a lot of contact with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and BKPM

A number of legal technology companies have initiated the establishment of a special association for the legal industry called the Indonesian Regtech and Legaltech Association (Indonesian Regtech and Legaltech Association IRLA). The establishment of this association is an effort to encourage law-literate Indonesians and encourage the creation of new innovations.

Companies that act as initiators for the establishment of this association include Lawble, Privy.id, LegalGo, PopLegal, Startup Legal Clinic, and eClis.id.

Regtech is smart legal tool that uses innovative technology to help society and businesses in general understand and comply with applicable regulations. Meanwhile, legaltech includes all types of products and services related to technology-based innovative services to improve services in terms of legality.

This association is a forum for various companies engaged in the legal sector with one goal, namely increasing literacy and education about law. Also, as a community partner to liaise with regulators and government.

The public can relate directly to associations for legal understanding, so it is hoped that there will be no more multiple interpretations of a legality or regulation.

In practice, the association will have a lot to do with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkumham) and other ministries, such as the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

"Understanding the law is very important for developing countries. Our main focus is public education, not business services to business people, legal practitioners, and so on. If we wear association clothes, we will take off all our business attributes because that is the purpose of IRLA being formed , "explained the Chairman of IRLA and CEO of Lawble Indonesia Charya Rabindra, Monday (18/9).

Regulatory and legal awareness is still minimal

According to Charya, law is something that cannot be separated from everyday life. Unfortunately, the level of public understanding is still very low. Reflected by the lack of awareness of paying taxes.

Regtech and legaltech are indeed industries that are still foreign to the ears of Indonesians, but these industries cover almost all sectors related to law in society. Moreover, since the presence of digital technology that has reached various sectors ranging from finance, transportation, immigration, services, and so on.

According to him, with the help of qualified technology, the law is no longer something complex and can be avoided. Rather, it becomes something that people want to understand and find out.

Seeing the phenomenon of a complex legal perspective, raises the urgency to form a special association in the field of the legal industry. He hopes that the association will unite all efforts from various parties to modernize the legal sector in Indonesia.

Association work program

In the work program, IRLA encourages innovation, facilitating integration and collaboration across the regtech and legaltech ecosystem on a global scale. One of the forms is holding regular communication and intensive advocacy with regulators at national and international levels.

Members can expand their network and open up opportunities for collaboration between each other in increasing the growth of regtech and legaltech in Indonesia. In addition, members can access data from national and international institutions that work with associations. The association will also engage several universities to increase literacy in this field.

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