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'Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016: Challenge and Expo' Series of Events Coming Soon

Events related to the Internet of Things or IoT will be coming soon again for IoT developers and enthusiasts in Indonesia. If with this theme previously presents a special element in the form of exhibition this time the event organized by DycodeEdu brought something new again.

Not only seminars and also challenges as well as exhibition events expo, Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016 will be present in 3 cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung. Not only that, apart from inviting developer Indonesia to participate in seminars and competitions, non-developers invited to participate in the competition blogging Internet of Things theme.

This year Dycode received support from Doku to hold an event called 'Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016: Challenge and Expo'. Before the main event in May, there will be a series of events to make Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016 even more festive.

This series of events will start in Bandung on April 17 tomorrow, then to Bogor on April 23 and then to Jakarta on April 24. And the main event will be held in Bandung on May 28, 2016.

Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016: Bandung

The April 17 2016 event will be titled Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016: Bandung and held at the Warer hotel, Bandung. This event is open for free and invites developers to attend and discuss technologies around the Internet of Things. Not only that, these developers can also explore how the IoT solutions they have designed and created can become a source of income.

The event will be filled by Andri Yadi, CEO of DyCode and DycodeX, who will also provide a demo coding direct ISP8266; Gibran Huzaifah, CEO of Cybreed and founder of eFishery; Indra Wibawa, the initiator of Rantonic; and Andreas Aditya Swasti, Senior Manager Consumer Product DOKU.

The event will be filled with various themes, starting from the introduction of IoT, the development of ideas around IoT and the integration of DOKU Payment for IoT projects.

Held at Hotel Preanger Bandung, from 9 am to 4 pm on 17 April 2016. The event is open for free, registration can go to this link. Don't miss it just click and list to attend the event on April 17th.

Apart from events offline Additional excitement for Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016 were two competitions held for developer and non-developers.

IoT Challenge for developers

IoT Developer Day invites local developers to participate in the Indonesia IoT Challenge. Developers can submit their work and compete for a total prize money of 30 million rupiah and free trips to the international IoT exhibition.

Information about this competition will also be announced in the series of events offline Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016. So save the date in your city and don't forget to register.

Competition for non-developers - blogging competition with DOKU

If you are not an IoT developer but are interested in finding out and getting information about IoT then you can also take part in a competition with a total prize of 5 million rupiah in Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2-16 Blogging Competition with DOKU.

You just need to write an idea article on how to integrate IoT (Internet of Things) in solving real problems around you. There's more value if the idea includes a creative payment method. Requirements can be seen in the poster below. As for registration, you can go to the link bit.ly/i2d2-blog.

The highlight of the event Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016 itself will present various parts of the event, one of which is the IoT product exhibition. According to the plan, the event will be held in one of the shopping centers in Bandung. Of course this will make the event more exciting because the visitors who attend will be from the general public, a great opportunity to introduce IoT products developed to the wider community.

Don't forget to note the date of the series of events (roadshow) Indonesia IoT Developer Day 2016: Challenge and Expo, Don't forget to also attend because the event is held for free. And wait for the peak event in May.

*) DailySocial is a media partner for the 2016 Indonesia IoT Developer Day event.

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