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4 Ways to Check Taxpayer Identification Number, Easy, Fast and Accurate

If you already know your NPWP, keep it well and don't lose it or forget it

NPWP, short for Taxpayer Identification Number, is an identification number given by the Directorate General of Taxes to every taxpayer in Indonesia. Its function is similar to a KTP, but specifically for tax matters. 

NPWP is very important because for those who meet certain criteria, having and reporting taxes with a NPWP is not only an obligation, but also provides a number of benefits. For example, when carrying out certain financial transactions such as purchasing property or opening a bank account, NPWP details may be required. Apart from that, with a NPWP, the tax rate applied can be lower. 

If there is an overpayment of tax, the NPWP also makes the tax refund process easier. In addition, NPWP helps the government record and manage citizens' tax information, so that tax administration matters become more structured and efficient for both parties.

To check your Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) in Indonesia, you can use the following methods:

Visiting the Tax Service Office (KPP)

You can visit the nearest KPP with your identity card (KTP) to check the validity or status of your NPWP.

Via the Official Portal of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP Online)

Visit the official DJP Online website at https://www.pajak.go.id

Select the "Check Taxpayer Status" menu.

Enter the NPWP number you want to check.

The system will display information regarding the NPWP status.

Using the DJP Online Application (if available)

Some time ago, the DJP had a mobile application that made it easier for taxpayers to check various tax-related information, including NPWP status.

Telephone Tax Information and Complaints Service (TIK).

More Coverage:

You can also call the tax ICT service number to ask about your NPWP status.

NPWP is like a special "identity card" for tax matters in Indonesia. So, if we have income and need to pay taxes or want to get certain facilities from the government related to taxes, we need to have this card. So, it's similar to a KTP, but specifically for taxes.

As an additional note, make sure you have the necessary information, such as your NPWP number or other identity data, before checking. Always use official channels to avoid potential fraud or personal data leaks.

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