1. Startups

HarukaEDU Fundraising Plan and Partnership with Universities

Has launched the Pintaria site, has 12 college partners

HarukaEDU As an educational startup that focuses on online courses and training, this year it plans to raise funds. To DailySocialHarukaEDU CEO Novistiar Rustandi said that currently there are investors who are interested in investing in HarukaEDU, but it's not final yet who the investors are.

Since its establishment in 2013, HarukaEDU has obtained a Series A investment from Cyber ​​Agent Ventures (CAV), one of the leading investors from Japan.

Adding partnerships with universities

Still presenting online educational course materials, this year HarukaEDU has begun to focus on higher education (PT), adjusting to the considerable interest from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) which is actively encouraging higher education (PT) to provide Distance Education (PJJ) or online education.

"One of the reasons is that the government wants to increase the Gross Enrollment Rate (GER) of higher education which is currently around 30%. In addition, the government also wants to provide access to quality higher education to those who because of their work or other reasons cannot go to campus. every day/night," said Novistiar.

For that reason, Novistiar claims that currently more and more universities want to organize PJJ or take advantage of online platforms. HarukaEDU as a provider of complete information technology solutions for PTs who want to be online, is now being contacted by various parties who are interested in collaborating. Currently, HarukaEDU already has 12 university partners and is in the discussion stage with approximately 10 potential university partners.

"What we are very proud of is that we have helped in reducing the cost of education (tuition) in Indonesia by up to 50%. For example, program tuition fees blended learning at Al Azhar University Indonesia is only 50% of the tuition fee for regular face-to-face programs. Likewise, program tuition fees blended learning at Sahid University is 35% lower than the regular face-to-face program tuition fees," said Novistiar.

This, according to Novistiar, makes tuition fees at quality universities more affordable and it is hoped that more people will be able to complete their higher education and get a bachelor's degree.

Launching Pintaria

In addition to focusing on universities, HarukaEDU has also launched Smartia. Pintaria as a platform provides information about various types of professions, skill needed, and offer programs training and lectures that can support a person in obtaining the desired profession or simply to renew his abilities.

"One of our goals is to make Pintaria a life long learning a platform where everyone can continue to learn regardless of age to stay relevant to the times," said Novistiar,

By the end of 2018, HarukaEDU is targeting to add partnerships with 15 universities, 20 blended learning/online degree programs and more than 20 training company partners with 60 training programs.

"We also want to build Branding Pintaria, so that when everyone who wants to improve their education or expertise will visit the Pintaria site," concluded Novistiar.

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