1. Startups

Google Invests in 23andMe

Google invested US$2.6 million in a startup engaged in biotech, 23andMe.23andMe is a startup where one of the founders is Anne Wojcicki, wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

23andMe provides a service where users can find out detailed information about genetic conditions such as diseases, heredity, biological potentials, and others. 2andMe charges $2 per user. Users simply send a saliva sample to their lab in Mountain View, California and the results will be sent back 399-4 weeks later.

A Google spokesman stated that Google has a target to organize information in the world, and investment in 23andMe is considered to be able to bring benefits for Google to achieve this goal. Sergey Brin himself admitted that he was not involved at all and withdrew from the investment negotiations between the two parties.

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