1. Startups

EduTech from Makassar LeanSkill Serves Online Teacher Search Service

Still trying to build a user ecosystem in Makassar

LeanSkill is booking platform courses in Makassar that make it easier for participants to find and choose teachers who are experts in their fields. Like what platform and what is the background of its establishment? The following is DailySocial's interview with the Founder of LeanSkill.com who is also the initiator of the Makassar Startup, Fajar Assaad.

b backgroundthe establishment of LeanSkill.com

Mid-2013, after graduating from STMIK Dipanegara, Fajar Assaad started a company creative digital which already has a portfolio of several multinational companies domiciled in Makassar and from outside Makassar. When Fajar tried to expand to expand his business, he opened job vacancies for workers back-end web engineer, online marketing specialist and creative developer. However, only six emails came in to register, and the average did not match the required qualifications.

Finally, Fajar started to make a startup. The first startups were named mediacari.com (city directory) and pasarukm.com (marketplace and News) but in the end it did not develop well because at that time there was no digital startup ecosystem in Makassar. After that, Fajar then initiated the establishment of the Makassar Startup Community at the end of 2014 so that digital startup players began to appear in Makassar City with various products. But on average they still single founder.

From there, Fajar saw that skill owned by students in Makassar is still below the standard. There needs to be a solution that can teach skills that make their expertise absorbed by the digital industry market. Dawn then opens classes Programming, design and business under the name StartupMengajar.com in April 2015, with the aim of helping students founder digital startups in Makassar get competent talent.

In 2015, the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information together with DailySocial.id organized HUB.ID and he passed as one of the finalists representing South Sulawesi and was dispatched to Jakarta. While in Jakarta, he visited and met several startup founders and VCs there. As a result, there is a change brand from StartupMengajar.com to LeanSkill.com. Until now, Fajar Assaad is still a single founder LeanSkill.com.

Vision to build competent human resources

LeanSkill is a platform booking courses in Makassar that make it easier for participants to find and choose teachers who are experts in their fields. Teachers are also assisted by the LeanSkill.com platform in managing the online course classes such as payments, teaching schedules, marketing, and places. Currently LeanSkill.com is still website-based, the class is divided into courses and workshops with two modes, namely offline (face to face) and online (face to face).video on demand and live). Currently they are still focusing on offline and after Ramadan 2016 will develop a focus to online courses.

Teachers/instructors come from local personnel. For offline classes, the focus is still on Makassar City, although many teachers have asked to open classes outside Makassar, Fajar has not yet agreed. On the other hand, the demand for offline classes is very much from outside Makassar.

LeanSkill has a vision to build qualified and competent human resources who are able to compete globally. Its mission is to become the main platform for sharing and development life skills.

"There are even those who ask for offline and ongoing classes to be recorded and they are ready to pay," said Fajar.

Various classes are held, ranging from academic to technical discussions

Fajar said that every course class created will have a page booking complete with course details. This page is also connected directly to Facebook and the results are effective. Most of the marketing process is through Facebook. When students have registered via email, they will automatically receive information about the next class.

Several classes have been implemented, the participants varied. Fajar said that there were elementary school students who were interested in learning animation and junior high school students to general practitioners who took Android courses Development. In fact, there were participants from Balikpapan who came to Makassar to learn Android development. Meanwhile for digital class marketing through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, most of the participants came from entrepreneurs and SMEs in Makassar. For photography class, craft, and other classes available on LeanSkill.com also have their own communities.

Commission per transaction is used as a business model

"The business model we apply is commission per transaction," said Fajar. When a student pays to attend a class, LeanSkill deducts a commission of 10 percent as fee their services. As for paying the teachers/instructors they pay 50 percent at the first meeting and the rest is processed when the class is almost over.

In that way, students don't have to worry about being cheated because all their payments are guaranteed 100 percent by LeanSkill. When a class or several meetings are forced tocancel because students are unable to attend, then they can discuss with the teacher to repeat the session that could not be attended before or LeanSkill will refund the money for the payment for the session that cannot be attended. From the teacher's side, LeanSkill helps with marketing and finding them class locations.

In the future, LeanSkill will increase the number of offline and online courses and specifically online, they will create special content. In addition, leanskill.com will be present on the television platform so that the teaching and learning process can be enjoyed with the family through television media. Teacher-student interaction will be established through Smart TV.

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