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Chinese Developer Working on Overwatch 'Clone' Version?

According to the team of creators, the piece is a tech demo in which they try to 'learn Blizzard's design concepts'.

Less than two weeks after Blizzard Entertainment revealed that the game multiplayer shooters they managed to collect seven million player, Overwatch again set a new record. Via Twitter, sir publisher announced that there are already more than 10 million Overwatch players worldwide. His success was apparently helped 'inspire' a number of parties.

In the development industry game, adopting, perfecting and modifying ideas from other people's creations is not prohibited, but fans may immediately frown after seeing the demonstration pieces mobile game developer from China this. In a video, they show a game called Legend of Titan, game which can be called as clones from Overwatch.

Millions gamer Overwatch will soon see a familiar scene: Reinhardt, Tracer, Widowmaker, and other characters and their unique abilities are all there; even map layout (King's Row to Hanamura) is also used even though it uses a new texture. Of course the quality is still far from Blizzard's work, the resolution seems low and there is a drop frame rate drastically in some scenes. There is a high probability that the developer China leverages Overwatch's assets.

From the discussion on Reddit (based on translation attempt for user there), the developers claim that they have no plans to publish Legend of Titan. Ranges just made as tech demo. The studio said the videos and images were from an internal event, where they tried to learn Blizzard's design concepts, especially in terms of controls and 'feel'; and try to apply it to web platform and mobile devices.

"This video was actually recorded from the site websites," said a spokesperson. "We didn't expect someone to record and upload it to the internet. When the original game actually launches, you won't see the similarities to game That Blizzard. We show the video to prove the design technique browser game team creation and are looking for partners to work with."

For now, the game is still in development and the developer is reluctant to provide other information. The studio guarantees that, upon release, their creations will have little in common with Overwatch.

Indeed, there is no problem if it turns out their reasons are true. But keep in mind, some Chinese manufacturers have proven not afraid to work on it imitationfamous products openly.

With The Escapist.

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