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5 Indonesian Export Aggregators that Open International Business Opportunities

5 Export Aggregators that Drive Indonesian Business Growth

In this era of globalization, exports have a very vital role in a country's economic growth. Many business actors want to explore international markets to increase competitiveness and achieve greater profits.

However, often, the main challenge faced by business actors is information accessibility and connectivity with foreign markets. This is where the role of export aggregators becomes very important.

Get to know Export Aggregators

An export aggregator is a company that collects, organizes and provides information related to exports to international markets. In simple terms, export aggregators function as intermediaries between producers and global markets.

By using technology and digital connectivity, export aggregators facilitate business actors to explore opportunities export more efficiently.

Benefits of Using Export Aggregators

Access to Global Markets

Export aggregator opens pintu for companies to enter the global market without having to face complicated logistics and distribution obstacles. This allows small and medium-sized companies to compete with large companies in international markets.

Cost Efficiency

Working with an export aggregator provides a number of advantages, especially in reducing costs that may arise when carrying out export activities individually.

Several aspects of costs that can be cut involve the export process, including customs fees, transportation, rush handling (fast delivery via airplane), ship service fees, export card fees, packaging costs, including container rental fees, and other logistics costs.

Process Efficiency

Export aggregators have the potential to simplify bureaucratic processes that are often considered complicated. Requirements such as having a legal entity, being recognized as a registered exporter, and obtaining permits from various agencies such as the Trade Service, Industry Service, and other agencies can be made easier and more efficient by joining a partnership with an export aggregator.

Export Aggregator Example

My Aspen

Aspenku is a PT marketplace. National Economic Support Application that brings together producers, exporters and buyers of high quality Indonesian products.


Exporthub.id, the first export ecosystem in Indonesia, facilitates MSMEs entering global trade from upstream to downstream. Also, designed based on field experience for relevance to global trade standards.

Out of Asia (OOT)

PT Out of Asia, through the Out of Asia (OOT) brand, is a manufacturer and exporter of decorative accessories, tableware, kitchen equipment, bathroom accessories and storage products made in Indonesia.


Goorita, founded in 2020, supports the expansion and export of local Indonesian products to global markets, as well as providing easy solutions for global marketing and shipping.

Una Brands

Una Brands, as a variety buyer brand top in its category, focusing on brands with a strong track record, high product quality and good customer reviews.

Export aggregators can be an option for companies that want to optimize their export activities. By pooling resources, simplifying processes, and providing excellence in global marketing, export aggregators become valuable partners in bridging local businesses with international markets.

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