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DailySocial Report: Smartphone Purchase Survey 2018

Smartphones for less than 3 million rupiah are the most in demand, RAM is a component that is considered important

Last year the iPhone X was launched with a selling price of over USD1.000 or more than Rp. 20 million. This year the Samsung Galaxy S9+ was also launched for a little under $1.000. With price flagship smartphone the more fantastic, are consumers in Indonesia really interested in buying these products which are quite expensive?

DailySocial.id in collaboration with JakPat Mobile Survey Platform conducted a survey to find out the habits of Indonesian people when making purchases smartphone. Including seeing how their preferences are when determining specifications smartphone for everyday use. A total of 2015 respondents were involved in this survey.

Here are some interesting findings from the survey:

  • 67,82% of respondents use smartphone for IDR 3 million or less.
  • 62,96% of respondents use smartphone with 2-4 GB of RAM.
  • 61,67% of respondents last replaced smartphone them between 6 months to 1 year ago.
  • 80,09% of respondents feel that the amount of RAM is one of the important components in considering buying smartphone.

For more data and exposure, download the following report: “Smartphone Buying Decision Survey 2018”.

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