Low Child Immunization During the Pandemic, ProHealth Provides Home Service Immunization and Vaccine Service Solutions

DailySocial Newswire - September 20, 2021

The results of a rapid study conducted by the Ministry of Health and UNICEF in April 2020 showed that 84% of immunization services experienced problems at the Puskesmas and Posyandu levels. One reason is barriers to access to health services and decreased demand for immunization because people are worried about the transmission of Covid-19.

Data from Surveillance at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia shows that in the month of immunization for school children in 2020, the coverage for measles immunization only reached 45%, Tetanus Diphtheria (DT) 40%, and Tetanus Diphtheria (TD) 40%.

Responding to this obstacle, ProSehat, the mainstay telemedicine service application for Indonesian families, is committed to educating parents to immunize and vaccinate their children as soon as possible, by providing Immunization Services to the ProSehat Joint Home.

ProSehat founder dr. Bimantoro said, “Currently Indonesia is ranked 6th in the world based on the number of people who have been vaccinated and the total number of Covid-19 injections. This is certainly soothing news for the community, especially us health workers. However, since the pandemic hit and the Covid-19 vaccination has been intensively carried out, there are other things that are also crucial but have been forgotten, namely immunization and vaccination of children."

Moreover, he added, currently face-to-face learning (PTM) has started in some parts of Indonesia, while vaccines can only be given to children under 12 years of age. He reminded the importance of strict health protocols in the school environment and immunization for children from infants to school age.

"Immunization at home during a pandemic is a safe and effective method. By immunizing children at home, people can minimize the risk of exposure to the Covid-19 virus," he explained.

He explained that the time between immunization and the Covid-19 vaccination is 1 month. For children under 12 years old, a series of immunizations and vaccines are needed that can help their body's resistance.

“Immunization services to the ProSehat Shared Home can be accessed at https://www.prosehat.com/imunisasianak. Besides being handled by a professional and officially licensed doctor, the vaccination schedule is also flexible, free of questions and answers with the Virtual Health Assistant, and the payment process can be paid in installments," he concluded.

For further information regarding immunization and vaccination, you can contact ProSehat via WhatsApp 0811-1816-800, type MENU select 3 or type Immunization.

ProSehat has vaccinated 200 thousand people in Indonesia

From March to early September 2021, ProSehat has actively supported the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination in 200 thousand people in dozens of Vaccination Center locations. ProSehat also helps ensure acceptors immediately get a vaccination certificate through systematic online registration.

This activity was also supported by the Deputy Minister of Health, dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD, KEMD at one of the Canisius Vaccination activities on August 13, 2021.

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