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What is Self Value: Definition, Types, and How to Increase It

Because everyone has deep-rooted and living values. Value is what then determines the character and personality of a person

What are your goals in career and life? Are you living life the way you want? Answering these two questions is a way to discover what values ​​you have within yourself.

Because everyone has deep-rooted and living values. Value is what then determines the character and personality of a person. For more details, DailySocial.id will be explained below!

Definition of Self Value

Page Ethics Sage states that self-value is the value or belief that is adhered to in everyday life. These values ​​guide you in behaving. Beyond your daily life, these values ​​also define how you live your work life.

This value will later appear in your behavior and relationships with others. When your actions and results are aligned with the values ​​you believe in, you are generally more satisfied and feel happier.

But sometimes differences in beliefs and values ​​become a problem. For example, you can prioritize persistence at work. However, teammates want to relax. Well, that could be a cause of stress.

Because being aware of the values ​​you believe in can help guide your life plans and goals, including determining your career.

Types of Self Value

Social Values

Social value or social value is the value set by a community or society. This kind of value is important for every individual because we live socially. In general, social values ​​are also called ethos.

An example of social value is the existence of solidarity in society. Solidarity shows a commitment to helping others and connecting between communities. Another example is cultural identity. When it comes to the environment, other people must be able to respect their culture.

Personal Values

Personal values ​​refer to values ​​that are only applied by certain people. Examples of these values ​​are self-discipline, empathy, consistency and the ability to understand and respect others.

Good attitude, discipline and empathy are examples of personal values ​​that must be possessed. This personal value is more to personal experience, so right or wrong, good or bad has different parameters and ranges.

Constitutional Values

Constitutional values ​​or constitutional values ​​are values ​​determined by the government or the state constitution. you have to stick to these values, because constitutional values ​​reflect the values ​​and ideals of the state and society.

In Indonesia, for example, the values ​​that must be upheld are Pancasila, such as divinity, humanity, unity, democracy, and justice. This is because Pancasila is the basis and way of life, so its values ​​must be applied in everyday life.

Spiritual Values

Menurut Life Persona, spiritual values ​​or religious values ​​are values ​​that are adhered to by individuals based on their beliefs. This value is not the same as the visible material side, this value is intangible but can be very deep and related to life.

Spiritual values ​​are also felt and applied based on personal experience. An example of a spiritual value is faith (Faith) and piety (holiness).

Moral Values

Moral values ​​include the values ​​that we follow and believe in to seek happiness and self-realization through good qualities.

Individuals do not have to follow the values ​​themselves, but it would be nice if they were followed, moral values ​​are also values ​​accepted by society.

Honesty, kindness and ethics are examples of moral values ​​that must be applied. Moral values ​​lead to finding happiness within oneself by applying these values.

Increase Self Value

Here are some tips to increase your self worth:

It's okay to make mistakes

Sometimes mistakes make a person question his self-esteem and value. In fact, it is out of control and desire to make mistakes. Learning is continuous and making mistakes is part of the learning process.

Admitting mistakes and learning how to fix them will increase your self-worth.

Let go of the things you can't control

You must have felt that there are days when things are not going well. You must learn to remember that not everything is under your power or will.

Focus on good things and positive energy and let go of things that are out of your control and you can't handle.

Don't compare yourself with others

You have to remember that everyone is different. In self-development and the process of achieving goals, everyone has stages and timeline each.

Comparing yourself to others will only make you feel like you can't live up to your expectations. When you don't compare yourself to others, you can focus on value and your own achievements.

Understanding inner critic inside you

Self-esteem is most affected by criticism that comes from within. Sometimes this criticism is very harsh and tiring if it continues. To quote  Harappan Education Furthermore, managing inner criticism is an effective way to increase self-confidence.

If you feel the need, you can try to write down your feelings, the things that are lacking and start self-reflection. This will help you find effective ways to maintain self-worth.

Take a break

When knowing value If you do well, sometimes you will take on many responsibilities and try to complete them simultaneously.

For example, at work, you will be fully responsible so that you forget to rest. Well, things like that should be avoided. One way you care value also by providing breaks and pauses.

Those are some things you should know about self-worth. Knowing this will make you optimize all your potential and don't need to compare your achievements with other people.

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