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Valve Remodels Its Mainstay MOBA Game With New Engine, Announces Dota 2 Reborn

Dota 2 has come a long way since 'IceFrog', one of the initiators of DotA, was appointed by Valve as lead designer-his. Praised gamer and criticism related to quality and sincerity developer oriented to the predecessor game, now people are wondering about how Dota 2 faces a new era in the world Gaming. Valve's answer surfaced late last week.

Unexpectedly, Valve Corporation announced Dota 2 Reborn. It's still the MOBA game you've always enjoyed, but it's possible that Valve intends to replace all of it engineits with Source 2. It means not only graphics, dashboards and UI-also redesigned. Valve intends to provide fans with a better gaming experience. At the beginning of the unveiling of Reborn, Valve explained a lot about design in components dashboards.

Interface The new version in Dota 2 Reborn promises to be more intuitive and easy to use. On the invisible side, Valve also uses framework up to date so that game running more optimally and demanding hardware lower need. Some time ago, Gabe Newell had commented regarding engine Source, says that toolsetit is still very troublesome and burdensome to the computer system.

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That's why the transition to Source 2 is needed. The big changes also ensure easier access to matches. In the new version later, the 'Play Dota' button will always be available wherever you are. It takes you to LOBBY and a choice of game modes. There, you can directly do search. 'Host' is welcome to configure policies and regulations LOBBY, make friends, and find out what modes they're playing in.

Talking about friends, Valve has prepared various features to support the community. First, now invite friends to party cu need one time click. Then we can move on voice chat di dashboards into the match. Then to simplify communication, players can unite friends with their colleagues into one room, and choose who will lead the group.

On the status monitor side, gamer can listen to part window mini profile contains favorite heroes, item likes and badges user. You are allowed to peek at the achievements of fellow players to their performance. No less interesting: we can study our own playing style, represented by five characteristics - versatility, fighting, farming, flushingand supporting.

The plan, Valve will publish info about Custom Games earlier this week. It should be remembered that the term 'engine new' may or may not refer to Source 2. If that's the case, Dota 2 Reborn is the first title confirmed using Source 2. Dota2.com.