1. Entrepreneur

Check out the SWOT Analysis of the Beverage Business Below, Complete!

Understand what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the beverage business in order to have comprehensive preparation before opening a beverage business.

Indonesia is a country which is located by the equator. As a result, Indonesia has a tropical climate that is illuminated by the sun throughout the year and the air temperature is quite high. Not surprisingly, Indonesian people often feel stifling, especially during the dry season, where the temperature is hot.

Well, one solution to the stifling heat is to drink. In addition to restoring body fluids, drinking also has a refreshing effect, especially if you drink cold drinks.

Since the first, many traditional drinks are sold in various regions in Indonesia. Starting from cendol ice, mixed ice, doger ice, oyen ice, young coconut ice, to a simple but popular drink that is sweet iced tea.

Therefore, basically bisnis Beverage has great potential in Indonesia. But, there are many more advantages of the beverage business that you need to know. Read more on SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) the following beverage business, yes!

Beverage Business SWOT Analysis

Strength (Strength)

Strength is an internal element that is the hallmark of a business. In the beverage business, the analysis is as follows:

  1. Relatively small capital
  2. The price of raw materials is relatively cheap
  3. Raw materials are easy to find
  4. The manufacturing process is easy and relatively fast
  5. No special skills needed
  6. Easy to run
  7. Simple business management
  8. Relatively fast money turnover

weakness (Weakness)

Next up is weakness, namely internal deficiencies of the business that can hinder the running of the business. In the beverage business, the analysis is as follows:

  1. Many drinks are seasonal or trend following
  2. There is a possibility that the product is damaged (melted, stale, etc.)
  3. Contemporary drinks are not a primary need
  4. It needs to be supported by a strategic location
  5. Lack of uniqueness or more value

Opportunity (Opportunity)

The next element is Opportunity, namely the opportunity for business to grow. In the beverage business, the analysis is as follows:

  1. Loved by the majority of Indonesian people
  2. Drinks tend to be acceptable to all ages, economies and genders
  3. Solution to overcome the heat
  4. The dry season in Indonesia increases the demand for beverages
  5. Market demand is always there
  6. Consumptive lifestyle
  7. There are various choices of drinks and flavors that can be adapted to market tastes

Threat (Threat)

The last element is threat which contains things that can hinder the running of the business. In the beverage business, the analysis is as follows:

  1. Trends change fast
  2. The number of beverage business competitors
  3. The proliferation of coffee shops
  4. Unstable economy
  5. Raw material prices may rise at any time
  6. Increased public awareness to reduce sugar consumption
  7. The rise of healthy living campaign
  8. Potential decrease in demand during the rainy season

Thus the SWOT analysis of the beverage business that you need to know before deciding to open this business. Please note, the above discussion refers to the beverage business in general. Of course, each type of beverage has a more detailed SWOT analysis, but the analysis above can provide a big picture of the four SWOT elements for the beverage business.

May be useful!
