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Definition and Example of CV . Deed of Establishment

Look at the contents of the CV's deed of establishment through the following example and its parts.

Previously, it has been discussed how to complete a CV. One of the procedures is to make a notarial deed and sign it in front of a notary. Well, this time, we will discuss about the deed of establishment of a CV along with an example.

Read on for the information!

What is CV . Deed of Establishment

The CV or notarial deed of establishment is a document that serves as evidence of events. In this case, the deed of establishment of the CV will be valid evidence of the establishment of a CV. The deed of establishment of the CV itself contains all official information related to the business profile, objectives, and business activities.

In the process of establishing a CV, a notary deed is also one of the legal requirements needed for further procedures, such as managing a Business Permit Number (NIB). CV is handled in front of a notary and signed by the notary and the founder or their representative.

If there are changes, for example the composition of active partners and passive partners, or changes in location, and so on, then the process of making a notarial deed must be repeated. However, the title of the document is no longer the deed of establishment of the CV, but the deed of amendment to the CV.

Contents of the Deed of Establishment CV

In the deed of establishment of the CV, there are several parts, including:

  1. CV name and CV number
  2. Domicile or CV . location
  3. Business fields
  4. Purpose and intent of establishment
  5. Amount of establishment capital
  6. Management system
  7. Articles of association and by-laws (AD/ART) of the company

Sample Deed of Establishment CV

You can see an example of a notary deed for the establishment of a CV in pdf format here. In short, an example of a CV incorporation deed would be like these sections.

  1. Front page. This section shows the title of the document that contains the notary's name and CV.
  • Notary opener. Contains the number of the notary deed, a description of the time and place of the incident, a description of the parties involved in the making of the notary deed. This deed of establishment number will be a marker of your CV in the Business Entity Administration System or you can check it online at the AHU online website. You can see an example of a notary deed number in the opening title or front page.
  • Company name and location. Contains the name of a valid CV and the place where the company is located.
  • Purpose and objectives. In this section, you include in what field your CV carries out its activities. For example in the general printing industry like this.
  • Capital. Here is explained the rules of capital in the CV covering the capital agreement of the founders, to the prohibition of foreign capital.
  • Management meeting. Contains the rules of the meetings used to make decisions.
  • Partners, directors/partners of management and commissioners/partnership partners. Contains the meaning of active partners and passive partners and their rights and obligations.
  • Balance sheet and profit and loss calculation. Contains rules related to financial statements and agreements in case of disputes between founders.
  • Profit sharing. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each founder.
  • Expenses and income of the company. Contains an agreement if certain conditions occur for one of the founders, for example being in debt or passing away.
  • Liquidation of the Company. Agreement regarding the dissolution of the company.
  • Losses and negligence. Contains rules in the event of loss and negligence of one of the parties.
  • domicile. Here is the legal domicile of the CV you made. For example, the Semarang District Court, Central Java.
  • Closing. The mention of the roles of active partners and passive partners and approval of the contents of the notary deed.
  • Signature column. Contains the parties who were present to witness the making of the notary deed as well as their signatures and the notary.
  • This is an example of a complete CV of a deed of establishment. I hope this information is helpful!

    Image source headers: Unsplash
