1. Startups

Get to know Ngampooz, an Educational Event Management Platform

Equipped with features to create courses and manage scholarships

Using technology, the world of education is expected to continue to evolve in a better direction. One service that is trying to take on this role is Ngampooz, a platform that makes it easy for students and students to find information and register for various educational events, including scholarship info.

Ngampooz was officially launched in August 2018. Powered by web technology, Ngampooz strives to be a directory of educational events as well as an easy place to register. From internal data, Ngampooz currently they have managed to get more than 100 thousand users and have more than 70 partners with 250 events.

Developed by Muhammad Ainur Rony and Gatot Wicaksono, Ngampooz is currently trying to develop its services to reach users in regions in Indonesia. Currently Ngampooz operates in the Greater Jakarta, Banten and Karawang areas.

"Eighty percent of event what exists is around education, this is because Ngampooz wants to be niche players. The purpose of Ngampooz is to help students and students who hold event can feel the digitalization process, especially in the regions so that information can be spread evenly," said Business Development Ngampooz Rizka Tia.

Not only limited to educational events

Rizka explained, Ngampooz implement a business model by taking advantage of each paid event ticket of 3 percent.

"For event which is not paid, we do not charge any fees to partners or event organizer us, but if event paid, we only ask for 3% of each ticket sold," added Rizka

Ngampooz is not only equipped with features for educational events. They also have an Open Class feature, a feature that allows users to share their knowledge. Open Class also allows Ngampooz users to open courses to determine the location to the price of the "course" created.

The next feature that is also intended for educational people is Scholarship. A feature that is intended for final year high school / vocational students who want to find scholarships. In this case Ngampooz positioned himself as marketplace scholarship. Ngampooz has become official partners Indonesian Lecturer Association and several universities.

"Ngampooz's target this year is to expand to several regions of Indonesia, so that all students and students get information to support their education, with the target user to be achieved is 750.000 users," closed Rizka.

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