1. Startups

[Video] McEasy's Focus on Providing Logistics Solutions for All Industries

McEasy offers a smart tracker-based digital solution. Assist logistics operations and real-time tracking of vehicle locations

DailySocial and McEasy Co-Founder Hendrik Ekowaluyo discusses what McEasy is and the landscape of the post-pandemic logistics sector.

According to Hendrik, digital transformation in the logistics industry has also boosted his company's business growth. In the past few years, the number of McEasy subscribers has grown by up to 10 times.

McEasy's ambition, Hendrik said, is to create an integrated ecosystem that makes it easier for stakeholders to optimize all logistics and supply chain processes.

What makes McEasy different from similar logistics platforms in Indonesia? What are McEasy's business plans and targets for 2023?

Check out the discussion in the video interview below.

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