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What is the Licensing Procedure for Making the Right PT?

The licensing procedure for making the right PT is to take care of the licensing letter according to the legal entity.

PT or limited liability company is a business entity that is legally valid and stands on the capital of various shares. In making PT, of course there is what is called the licensing procedure for PT. Usually the licensing procedure makes this PT as a form of legalization of the business entity that you have legally.

As is well known, PT can be owned by several people. Thus, everyone who owns the shares of the PT is part of the owner. However, it is undeniable that when PT can be formed individually, namely individual PT.

Well, individual PTs or joint PTs still need to go through the licensing procedure to create a PT, for the licensing procedure to create an individual, open, or closed PT in the form of making a deed of establishment of a PT, ratification by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, as well as making a trading business license (SIUP). .

Then, what is the licensing procedure for making the right PT so that business entities can get legality legally? Come on, find out the procedure right now!

Licensing Procedure for Making PT

1. Determine the name, address, intent and purpose of PT

The first licensing procedure for making a PT is that you have to prepare a PT name which consists of three syllables. You can also see the rules for using the PT name in PP 43/201, related to procedures for submitting and using the name of a limited company.

In addition to the name of the PT, you also have to specify the address of the business entity that you will run, keep in mind the standing address and the position of the PT must be at the same address. After the address and name are complete, the next step is to determine the operational goals and objectives that will be carried out by your business entity.

2. Determine PT Management

Then, you also have to determine the management of the PT that will run, if the PT will be established by more than two people, it is necessary to choose the director of the company, the president director, and also the commissioner. Meanwhile, individual PTs will only serve as company directors.

3. Make a Deed of Business Establishment at a Notary

In the licensing process to create a PT, the most important thing is make a deed of establishment of a business at a notary, it is useful as an introduction to create a company registration document (TDP) and also trading business license (SIUP).

4. Validate the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

After making a deed of establishment at a notary to obtain proof of the status of a legal entity, it must be registered with the Minister of Law and Human Rights, this ratification will be carried out by a notary. Meanwhile, the function of this ratification is as a form of legality so that the company you own gets a permit according to the law and is also protected by the state.

5. Make a company NPWP at the Tax Office

Taxpayer Identification Number or NPWP is a number that will be given to taxpayers to pay tax administration. For this reason, the business entity or PT that you will develop must have an NPWP.

6. Make a Certificate of Domicile of the Company

The next licensing procedure for making a PT is to make an SKDP or company domicile certificate that contains information on the location of your PT operating, type of business, and also how many employees you have. The SKDP will be valid for one year, and must be renewed annually

7. Manage Business Registration Number (NIB)

After making the SKDP, the PT licensing procedure that you have to do is to take care of the Business Identification Number (NIB), this process can be done manually. online  through the Online Single Submission (OSS) institution. 

The use of the NIB is as a company registration mark, customs access, and import identification number.

8. Make Company Registration Sign

If you already have a business establishment deed, the next licensing procedure for making a PT is to make a company registration certificate (TDP). If your business already has branches, the central company and the vabang company are required to have a TDP.

9. Apply for a Business License (SIUP)

The last PT licensing procedure is to apply for a trading business license (SIUP). The use of SIUP for a company is as evidence to be able to carry out trading business activities. SIUP also consists of four types, namely micro SIUP, small SIUP, medium SIUP, and large SIUP.

So, for those of you who want to create a PT and also develop it, don't forget to carry out the appropriate PT licensing procedures so that the business you are running can also get legality and look more professional.


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