1. Startups

Kaskus Gives Investment to Legal Contracts

It is hoped that it can synergize to help MSMEs, including among Kaskuser

Today (14/11) Kaskus announced its investment in KontakHukum, a digital platform that provides various services in the legal field. There is no mention of the details and nominal investment provided. This investment is expected to bring synergy, especially in the form of legal support and assistance to the business community and content creator in Kaskus.

"This collaboration is a form of our support so that Kaskuser can get education about the law from credible and trusted sources. We hope that Kaskuser who is also a business actor or content creator There are no doubts about securing their work or business from a legal perspective in the future," said Kaskus CEO, Edi Taslim.

Contract Law itself is a digital platform founded by Rieke Caroline. With legal background and experience founderher, Legal Contract carry mission to educate small and medium entrepreneurs and startups to know the law from an early age.

Some of the legal services offered Legal Contract including making contracts, establishing business entities, registering Intellectual Property Rights, business licensing, legal consulting, notary services and others. These services can be accessed through the online Legal Contract platform. So far, Legal Contracts have served hundreds of clients.

"The strength of the Kaskus community in 58 regions in Indonesia will be very strategic in helping us to reach people in the regions to be legal literate and start involving legal aspects in running their business or securing their work. Through digitally integrated services, we can provide legal services quickly, easy, and of course an affordable price," said the Founder of Legal Contracts, Rieke Caroline.

Kaskus itself this year is quite active in developing their business and services. A number of investments are also their strategy, one of which is investation to the Indonesian NLP development company Prosa.ai. Another Kaskus strategy by adding some new services such as launching TV and Podcasts.

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